
JJ was stunned when Kenn walked in with a dozen red roses and wished her a happy anniversary.

“Have you been talking to Alex already this morning?”

“No, I haven’t. Why?”

“No offense, but I really didn’t expect you to even consider a month as an anniversary—let alone remember it with roses.”

She hesitated, then decided the truth was the best route. “Actually, I wouldn’t have thought of it if Alex didn’t announce it this morning.”

Kenn flashed his boyish smile at her. She knew immediately there was a story behind this present. He shifted his weight from one foot to the next, suddenly assuming the appearance of a shy schoolboy asking the most popular girl to the dance.

“If you’re thinking I’ll get angry because you didn’t remember this date on your own, don’t worry about that. I’m the romance author, and I didn’t have it marked on my calendar. And you know how we romance novelists are.”

She grinned as she cleverly reminded him of his opinion of “her ilk” on their first encounter.

He placed the vase on her desk. She watched as he nervously shoved his thumbs in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. He clearly was not comfortable enough, she noted, to sit down.

She could just about read his mind, too. She knew he was weighing his options. If he admitted he didn’t remember and admitted Alex reminded him, he feared her wrath. She was sure of that.

Her office acquired an eerie silence. “It wasn’t Alex who reminded me. But someone did bring it to my attention.” He spoke quietly. JJ thought he purposely spoke in a low voice, almost a murmur to muffle his answer.

“Well, then who reminded you reminded you?” she asked when several moments had passed.

He was blushing. That could only mean one thing.

“Your mother? Your mother reminded you of this anniversary?”

“Well…” He continued to rock on his heels.

She chuckled. “I remember her calling that Sunday morning. I can see her now, marking it down on her calendar.”

Once he heard her answer, he took his thumbs out of his pockets and sat down. Finally, JJ thought.

“You’re not furious my mother knows?”

“I know I should be, but the idea is so absurd that I think it’s funny.”

She paused, then, trying to credit him with something before he completely lost face, she said. “I do love the flowers you chose. They’re beautiful.”

“Yeah, well about those, uhm, well, they weren’t completely my doing.”

She raised her eyebrows.The plot thickens.

“Let me guess. Your mom had them delivered to you to give to me.” She could easily see that happening and she didn’t even know Mrs. Cooper that well. But it would be predictable Mom Cooper behavior.

“Not exactly. You know, hon. I’m having a hard time telling you this because I’m slightly afraid of your reaction. The story gets pretty involved. When you hear how I got these flowers, you’re not only going to be embarrassed, but livid. And I’m afraid our one-month anniversary will also mark the end of our relationship.”

Oddly enough, she realized she wasn’t angry.

“The old me probably would be angry, but as much as I don’t like it, I’m adjusting to the fact that our private lives have become a fascinating hobby for others around here.”

“We seem to be everybody’s favorite form of entertainment.” He stood and paced behind the chair he had been sitting in,

“Is the chain of events that bad?”

He nodded. “You’re going to find it embarrassing. You may even not want to talk to me ever again. And, quite frankly, I wouldn’t blame you.”