“I’m sorry,” Mario said, “but you’ll have to leave the restaurant.” Mario tried to present his best stern look. Luigi stood right behind him, hands on his hips, as if confirming the severity of the situation.

“Yes,” Luigi said, “you’ll have to leave the restaurant.”

“Why?” Kenn asked.

“Oh, Mr. Yaki, are these friends of yours?” It was evident Mario was searching for an escape hatch.

“Yes, Mr. Yaki,” Luigi parroted. “Are these friends of yours?”

Her anxiety at the situation evaporated when she heard her date being referred to as “Mr. Yaki.” Thinking it best if she jumped in, she hurried to the table.

“Excuse me,” she said, addressing the owners. “This is my cousin, Alex, and her fiancé Blake.”

Alex gave the owner a small, meek finger wave, as she continued to hide behind the menu. “Hello?” she offered.

Mario and Luigi smiled and finger-waved back. Hawkman’s posture, however, clearly indicated he stood steadfast in his displeasure with the whole situation.

“Alex, you didn’t tell me you and Blake were eating here tonight,” JJ said.

She then turned to the owners. “She didn’t tell me they were eating here tonight.”

“She didn’t tell her,” Luigi repeated to Mario. “Nobody told her.”

Mario momentarily looked helpless. Hawkman glared down at him demanding their removal. But everyone else gave him sad puppy dog eyes.

“What the hell,” she muttered to herself, “the evening is already ruined.”

Loud enough so everyone could hear, she voiced the offer, her voice cracking as she spoke. “Alex, Blake, why don’t you sit with Kenn and me. Of course, that is if it’s okay with you, Mario.” She looked at the brothers.

Luigi brightened, applauding her offer. “Why don’t you sit with them?” he said with relief. Then he paused and added, “Of course, if it’s okay with you, Mario.”

Quite frankly, at this point, she was more concerned about Hawkman’s opinion than Mario’s. She could still feel the maître d’s predator stare. Now, she felt as if she were a mother rabbit protecting her bunnies.

The owner, however, appeared quite relieved to have found a compromise.

“Why, of course,” Mario exclaimed, evidently relieved to have the situation defused. “That’s wonderful.”

Then, looking up at the maître d’, he said, “Lesley, see to it that Ms. Yaki’s table is complete for four. And make sure they get another bottle of the finest wine in our cellar.” Turning to JJ, he added, “On the house, of course. And Mrs. Yaki, I had no idea they were related to you. Please accept our apology.”

Her romantic spirit sagged. Clearly all hopes of a quiet dinner alone with Kenn had vanished.

Alex gave a child-like can-I-really-go look to JJ, who nodded slowly. The fictional couple tore out of the booth and beat JJ and Kenn to their own table. They talked animatedly about their dinner choices.

Kenn appeared to enjoy the situation. JJ, however, felt things slipping totally out of control. She knew the night would get worse before it took a turn for the better—if it would ever take a turn for the better.

The server efficiently set the table for two more, left briefly, then returned with another bottle of wine.

“Compliments of the owners,” he said as he uncorked the bottle. Pouring a small portion in Kenn’s glass, he waited while Kenn tasted it. He nodded indicating his acceptance and the server poured everyone a glass.

“Wait, no one take a sip yet.” Blake jumped up nearly toppling his chair. “I propose a toast. To all that is good in the world. To lifelong friendship.” And then looking down at Alex, he said a little quieter, “And to finding your true love.”

Alex blushed. JJ nearly dropped her glass, and Kenn merely agreed. “Cheers,” Kenn added. The glasses clinked together, and all took a sip.

Blake drank his down like a sailor on leave. “So, Professor Cooper, I have a couple of questions about what we discussed in class this week. I was wondering if you could expand on—”

Before he could finish his sentence loud noises from across the restaurant interrupted him. It was, well, at first it was hard to tell what it was. Three men were setting up sound equipment. “Oh, good,” Alex said. “A live band. How romantic.” She quirked an eyebrow and looked at JJ.

“They don’t appear to be your run-of-the-mill lounge act,” JJ commented. “The two are dressed in the customs of the Orthodox Jews with peyos, but…”