“I really am sorry,” he whispered.

“Well, you shouldn’t be,” she murmured. “I just had an epiphany. And I decided I’m not sorry.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Who are you, and what did you do with JJ Spritely?” he asked. “Are you some space alien who took her form? Really, this is not the JJ Spritely I know.”

“I’ll admit it,” she began, “I was appalled at first. But just now, I realized I hadn’t laughed like that in years. How sad is that? And that kiss we shared? If you didn’t notice, I did little to discourage you. I haven’t felt that, well, for a long, long time. My sister, and my characters—I mean my cousins—were right.”

She deliberately measured her words, like a metronome in slow motion. “I’ve been hiding in the pages of my books. And now, I’m finally taking a step outside of them and I’m beginning to live in the real world.”

Again, he relaxed his stance. “Glad I could be of assistance.”

His smile transformed his entire appearance. He looked boyish, almost roguish.

They approached each other slowly, locking eyes. As she got closer to him, she caught a glimpse of the beautiful yellow roses on her desk. She felt his sensual energy. She wasn’t sure how any of this would end, but she was certain of one thing: Kenn was trying hard. And that was all she really needed to know.

Before she realized it, she melted into his arms, his lips tightly engaged with hers. Her fingers raked his hair, her nails lightly digging into his scalp. She slowly moved her hands lower, pulling him closer to her.

She felt the pleasure of the kiss and his breath giving her new life, allowing her to be reborn and start again, allowing her to savor the sensual pleasures of his body.

“Wait,” she said through the kiss. But he didn’t, or couldn’t, stop. So, she gently maneuvered the two of them to the door. With her back facing it and using one foot, pushed it shut.

“Lock it,” she requested. He wordlessly replied with the request, deftly and swiftly pushing the knob to the locked position.

Seconds later there was a knock at the door. They ignored it.

Bam! Bam!

“Go away.” she instructed. She heard the conversation on the other side.

“We just wanted to give you some copies of today’sDaily Digit.” It was Alex. “We’ll just leave them here at the door. Talk to you later.”

“Thank you,” she said.

“What did she say?” It was Blake’s voice.

“She told us to go away.” She heard the sound of clicking heels and the protests of Blake.

“But I don’t understand what just happened. How did you understand any of that?”

“Do I really have to spell it out for you?” She heard the sound of Blake’s tennis shoes being dragged along the wooden floor echoed in the hallway.

“Class starts soon,” Kenn said.

Slowly, reluctantly, he released his grip on her.

He stared down at her as he held her at arm’s length. “What a glorious epiphany you experienced, Professor St. Clair. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

She sighed. “I’m not sure where this is ultimately headed. And I’m not sure how far I’m capable of going. And I’m definitely not very confident how fast I can go there,” she said.

She could tell by the creases around his eyes that he was totally amused. “What’s so funny?”

“You. You don’t know where you’re going or how fast you can get there…wherever it is you might be going.”

“Despite my confusion, Professor Cooper, there is one thing I’m certain of. I’d really love it if you would go with me. It might turn out to be an interesting trip.” She paused as she soaked in his brown eyes.

“Right now, though,” she said, with a reluctance that even surprised her, “we need to head straight to the classroom.”

Chapter 34