“Sure,” he answered immediately.Did I just see a glimpse of delight in those eyes?

“I’d love to. But only under one condition.”

“Oh, and what’s that?”

“I finally get to buy you that coffee I offered when I met you at that book signing.”

That disastrous meeting had all but faded from her memory. Chuckling, she answered. “I guess it’s only fair. I was pretty hard on you that day.”

The building’s bell sounded signaling the start of class.


JJ and Kenn headed for the Physics Café about two thirty. Alex and Blake followed on Kenn’s invitation (like they weren’t going to tag along anyway). When the foursome arrived, they were stunned. A line of young women and a few men spewed out the door. It looked as if the café were giving something away.

The moment the four of them stepped in, Alvin rushed up to them. He was visibly frazzled. “It’s about time you got here.” He talked to JJ. “All these students said you were holding a book signing here. When I told them I didn’t know anything about it, they were livid. I nearly had a riot on my hands.”

Astonished, she looked around. The full impact of the situation struck her. Every booth and table was filled with young ladies tightly holding books. Here and there, she saw a man among them. She assumed they were coerced into attending.

“I really shouldn’t complain,” Alvin added. “Look, they’re all buying something. This is going to be the best day yet for the store. I just wish I would have known you had planned this.”

She explained she hadn’t. “There were less than thirty people in the classroom when I agreed to this. I don’t know how all of this happened.” She scanned the café to take another look at the crowd.

As she turned, she caught Alex hurriedly shoving her cell phone into her pocket. “Alex?” She turned on a heel and came face-to-face with her character.

“Well, I just texted the other cheerleaders. When I told them I knew you, they told me how much they loved your books—”

“It’s not completely her fault,” Blake said, quietly. “I texted the men’s pep squad and they spread the news to their girlfriends.”

“Well, good work, guys,” Alvin said. “JJ, I’ve got you all set up here at this table. And I’ll bring three more chairs for the rest of you. And, yeah, order anything you want, all four of you. It’s my treat.”

She looked at Kenn as they strode over the table. “Guess you don’t have to treat this time. That means you still owe me a coffee. I’m going to make sure you pay up, professor.”Did those words just come out of my mouth?

“I’d be honored to buy such a renaissance woman not only coffee but a quiet meal as well. And I emphasize quiet.”

Chapter 25

Alex nudged Blake in the ribs. “Ouch, what was that for?”

Kenn looked at the two. JJ glared at them.

“They’re getting closer to becoming a couple, did you hear that?” Alex whispered. “Hopefully, that means we’re getting closer to going home.”

“Not before our first game.” Blake panicked. “We’ve got duties here. Friends here.”

“What do you mean? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it happened before that?”

“Of course, it would,” he stammered. “But one date—one hypothetical date—doesn’t make a romance. We still have our work cut out for us.”

“I suppose you’re right.” She folded her arms and slumped in the chair.

“And then that’s assuming that’s why we’re still here. I haven’t stopped thinking of methods to get us home.”

“That’s what worries me,” Alex said softly.

Just then, Alvin approached the pair. “Excuse me, but could I speak to you for a moment?”

Blake quirked an eyebrow. “Us?”