“Dr. Chare is most certainly a man of his word. He’s paying our tuition this term as a thank you for our part in getting you to teach.”


Alex hit him from behind with a three-ring notebook. Blake stumbled forward several paces. As furious as she was at the two, she couldn’t help but notice the sticker on the binder proclaimed, “Make love, not war.”

“Oops.” Blake evidently realized his enormous gaffe. The young Brit ran to take a seat in the auditorium-style classroom. Alex hurriedly followed.

“You two are in big trouble,” JJ said as they tried to hide in their seats. She sounded more like a mom than she had intended. “And take that ridiculous wig off.”

“I can’t, Dr. JJ,” Blake said, “This ridiculous wig is my own hair.”

“I gave him a home permanent late last night to celebrate our first day of school,” Alex said as she gazed at him.

“Oh, my Lord.”

The rest of the class, which had been mesmerized watching this unorthodox scene, immediately burst into laughter. Even Kenn, who had remained in the shadows throughout all of this, roared. It took him a few moments to catch his breath.

She didn’t have time to deal with them at the moment. Kenn, who finally composed himself, was already attempting to steer the class back into the course, thank God. She needed to keep up with him.

The two presented the syllabus, then immediately dug into the material. They discovered a natural cadence in their teaching styles, using humor to highlight fundamental differences in their individual interpretations. She, naturally purposely led the class toward a conspiratorial view, while Kenn interjected his objection, along with sound historical evidence, with impeccable timing. The result was an entertaining and educational glimpse into a seldom-studied segment of history.

Then with perfect timing, the pair wrapped up the session and reviewed the reading assignment for the next session. Just as they finished, the bell rang. The class broke out in applause. Both professors looked astonished.

“Bravo. Bravo,” came a voice from the door. It was the chair.

Chapter 22

“Oh, my goodness.” JJ walked into her newly assigned office and stopped in the middle of the room. She whirled around in a full circle, like a little girl showing off a new skirt.

“It’s the same office. The same office I had when I taught here before. How did the chair arrange that?”

She tossed her briefcase on one of the two receiving chairs in front of her large oak desk and scanned the room.

Nothing had changed. Of course, what did she really expect to be different? The large old bookcase still stood across from the desk—now her desk, at least temporarily. It held no books at the moment. She vowed to change that soon. She looked out the large windows to her right, pleased with the view of the majestic old maple tree spreading its branches. Yes, the chair had taken good care of her. He, indeed, was grateful for her teaching this term.

She walked behind the desk and sat down. “Wow, even the same chair. I loved this chair.” It was one of those great chairs that had arms and it swiveled. She sat down. She forgot about her now-living characters, and she forgot about Kenn. She twirled in her chair. Again and again. Just like a child. And for the moment, she really did feel childlike. And she liked it. A lot.

“Knock, knock.”

It took a second for the voice to register with her, and by the time it did, it was too late. She stopped abruptly. There stood Kenn, with a faint smile that gradually changed into a wide boyish grin.

“I see you enjoy a good chair.” His deep brown eyes twinkled. “May I come in for a moment?”

“You caught me.” Instead of being irritated at his apparent amusement, she grinned back. “Some kids never grow up,” she confessed.

“Sit down, please.” Did she just invite him to sit and make himself comfortable? The man she vowed she would have no contact with while she taught?

Her teaching partner readily accepted her offer, sat down in the remaining available seat across from her desk, crossed his legs at the knees, and appeared to make himself quite comfortable, as if they had been lifelong friends. She was amused at how quickly he settled in.

“You seemed to recognize those last two students Dr. Chare brought in. The two time travelers? They certainly are a colorful pair.”

“Yes, they are. If you only knew how colorful they really can be.”

“I could imagine.”

“Oh, no you can’t. I assure you.”

“Just out of idle curiosity, how do you know them?”