Page 83 of Meet Dare

“You can’t unilaterally decide we’re not done.”

“And you can’t unilaterally decide we are.”

She lifts her nose in the air and sniffs. “Wrong. I just did.”

“I don’t accept.”

“You don’t have to accept. That’s not how relationships work.”

I lift my eyebrows. “Because you have so much experience with relationships?”

She pokes me in the stomach. “Don’t you dare tell me what experience I do or do not have.”

Obviously, anything I say now will be wrong. I keep my mouth shut as she climbs into her car and drives off.

“We are not over,” I whisper when she’s gone. “We will never be over.”

I’m a patient man, I remind myself as I hike through the woods to my house. I’ll break through to Cassie eventually.

Chapter 28

Holding a grudge is a great way to keep people away from you ~ Cassie’s rules for surviving this thing called life

Isigh when I notice my sisters and Ashlyn enterElectric Vibesthe next night. I knew they’d show up sooner or later. By now the whole town knows Cedar and I broke up. I’ve been catching people throwing me looks of sympathy all day. I may have snarled at a few of them.

I debate running away from them, but it’s useless. The town residents would probably help them wrangle me. Better to do this in private before I end up handcuffed to a chair in the middle of my bar while the entire town lectures me. I shiver. Talk about the stuff nightmares are made of.

I motion toward my office.

“This was much easier than I expected,” Elizabeth says as she closes the office door behind us.

She’s cute. And naïve. I’m not making this easy for them. I’m making it easy for me.

“Where’s Olivia?” I want to slap myself for letting the question slip from my mouth. She abandoned us. Why do I care where she is?

“She didn’t want to interfere,” Elizabeth answers.

Interfere? She didn’t want to get involved with her own family is more like it.

Knock! Knock!

Now what? “Who is it?”

My question wasn’t an invitation, but it doesn’t stop Lilac from opening the door and peeking her head in. “I’m sorry I’m late. I had a meeting I couldn’t get out of.”

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at the group. “Can we get started or are we waiting for anyone else?”

Ashlyn bites her lip. “Well…”

I inhale a deep breath and straighten my back. I got this. I’ll handle them before the rest of Ashlyn’s sisters arrive. The happily married and happily engaged should stick to their own business. They don’t know anything about this situation.

“I’m fine,” I declare.

Elizabeth snorts. “Yeah, right.”

Gabrielle nudges her. “You promised not to bicker with her today.”

“I’m not bickering. I’m merely pointing out how she’s a big, fat liar pants.”