Page 62 of Meet Dare

“Nothing at all,” her dad agrees. Judging by the grin on his face he’s thinking about his own kinks.

“Can we sign this contract now?” I ask.

Gabrielle smiles. “Yes.” She waves her camera. “I’m all set.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re not going to seriously photograph me signing a contract?”

“Sure, I am.”

I grumble as I return to the table where the documents are set out, but on the inside, I’m jumping for joy. I want my family to witness this monumental occasion in my life. But I would never ask them to. That’s not me.

There’s someone else I wish was here, but he can’t be. I can’t afford to care for Cedar any more than I already do. I don’t deserve his love. No matter how much I may want it.

Chapter 21

Give your girl what she wants this St. Patrick’s Day: a dare ~ Cedar’s rules for winning his girl back


“Ididn’t expect to see you here today,” Rowan says when I enterElectric Vibes.

The place is decked out for Saint Patrick’s Day. Cassie’s making changes already. Lennon wasn’t much of a decorator. He blamed it on Winter Falls’ rules about decorations, but, in truth, he was lazy.

“And miss the chance to kick your ass in a pub quiz?” I snort. “Never.”

“Wait!” Ashlyn shouts. “Are we not on the same team? What the h-e-double hockey sticks? First, we lose Lilac to the Dempsey group, and now you? This is some big stinking baloney!”

I was only teasing Rowan but goading Ashlyn is too much fun to correct her misconception. “What’s with the PG vocabulary?”

“I’m trying to curb my swearing since I don’t want Patience to end up with a potty mouth.”

“She’s three months old. Surely, she isn’t talking yet.”

If Patience is anything like her mommy, we’re in for some rough years. I pause when I realize I thought ‘we’. I’m not supposed to stay in town after my six-month dare with Cassie is over. I’m supposed to restart my wanderer days. Except my gut is telling me to stay.

“My child is going to be a protégé,” Ashlyn declares and interrupts my thoughts.

“We’ll see you at our table.” Rowan claps me on the back. Since he’s five inches taller than me and a former NFL quarterback, I brace myself before I pitch forward.

Once he’s no longer obstructing my view, I scan the area and my gaze falls on Cassie slinging drinks behind the bar. There’s my reason to stay. I haven’t spoken to her in the month since Valentine’s Day. I’ve tried, but she’s frozen me out.

I miss her. My hands itch to fist her blonde hair before melding my lips to hers. But I miss more than the hot nights between the sheets we shared. I miss talking to her. I miss teasing her. I miss how stubborn she can get when she knows she’s wrong but won’t admit it. I miss my friend.

I know better than to push our relationship too much – Cassie is skittish – but I have a plan. A dare to be exact. Because, if there’s one thing I know about my princess, it’s that she can’t resist a dare.

I make my way to the bar. I notice the gossip gals in my periphery pushing the waiting customers away from the area. They’re up to their old matchmaking tricks. It’s impossible to live in this town and not know about Project Hermit.

Cassie spins around and her nose wrinkles when she realizes all her customers are now gone. Except me. She scowls at me.

“What do you want?”

“I’m thinking, since I’m in a bar and all, a drink.”

“The management has the right to refuse service to anyone they want at any time.”

I cock my eyebrow. “Are you kicking me out?”

Her scowl deepens. It’s adorable.