Page 36 of Meet Dare

I snort. “You miss your benefits.”

“Miss giving you naked pleasure? Damn straight. I’d be an idiot not to, but I miss hanging out with you, too, princess.”

My anger ignites at him for using the pet name he gave me. “Oh no, you don’t! You don’t get to call me princess. Not after you lied to me for months. Months!”

“If you’d let me explain—”

“Explain? Did you forget Rowan is your brother? Did you have some kind of accident and lose all your memories of growing up in Winter Falls? Maybe you were undercover for the DEA because they think Winter Falls is one gigantic meth lab. Do any of these scenarios apply?”


“Then, I guess there’s nothing to explain. You’re a filthy liar.”

With my parting shot voiced, I’m out of here.

“Prin— Cassie! Wait.”

I ignore him and march to the pathway and toward my car. I don’t tolerate liars.

My heart clenches and I rub my chest. Maybe he has a reason for not telling me about his brother. Nope. I can’t entertain any options. I’m already too attached to Cedar as it is. Attachments lead to love, which is a no go for me.

Chapter 13

Always use trickery to avoid answering invasive questions you’d rather freeze in hell before answering ~ Cassie’s rules for living her best life

“Good thing I extended the lease on this apartment,” Elizabeth says as she sets a box down in my new place.

After the last time I nearly fell asleep driving home from an evening shift atElectric Vibes,I decided it was time to move to Winter Falls. After all, I can’t depend on Cedar, the big fat liar pants, to drive me home anymore.

Plus, I’ve pretty much decided to buy the bar. There’s no sense living out of town when I’m working in Winter Falls. Sure, I could try to protect my privacy by continuing to live in White Bridge, but it’d be a useless endeavor since the gossip gals don’t hesitate to meddle in my life when I’m at the bar.

My new apartment isn’t a new location since I’m taking over the lease at Elizabeth’s former apartment. Or should I say Gabrielle’s former apartment since she lived here first?

“I wonder how many more sisters I’m going to move into this apartment?” Gabrielle mimics the complaint I made when we were moving Elizabeth in.

“Technically, she’s not moving a sister in. She’s moving herself in,” Elizabeth points out.

“Except we’re doing all the work. She hasn’t lifted a finger.”

“Hey!” I interrupt them. “I’m supervising.”

“Do you even know what supervising means?” Elizabeth asks.

“Yeah. It’s me ordering you to get your butt going.” I motion toward the kitchen.

“I don’t take orders from you, Cassie the crazy.”

I growl as I march toward Elizabeth, but Gabrielle rushes to stand in between us. “No. Can’t you two be in the same room without bickering for ten minutes?”

Elizabeth smirks. “I’ll set my watch. Let’s time how long Cassandra can keep her mouth shut. Usually, she only stops talking when she’s got her mouth full.”

“My mouth full?”

“You know because you’re enjoying what you’re eating…”

She cuts herself off when I burst into laughter.

Her face flames as she glares at me. “I didn’t mean oral sex. You’re misunderstanding me on purpose.”