Page 4 of Meet Dare

I don’t usually pick women up from a bar, but I took one look at the gorgeous bartender at theWhite Stagand I wanted her. Blonde hair, high cheekbones, cute nose, slightly pointed chin. My hands itched to touch her. I could barely hold myself back until closing time.

The little minx teased me the entire night as I waited for her to finish her shift. Gazing at me from beneath her eyelashes while biting her lip. Or staring right at me while licking her lips. Thewoman is a siren and last night I was the sailor being lured to her rocks.

“Go back to sleep,” she grumbles.

I brush her hair away from her neck and kiss her there. “But I’m wide awake.”

She wiggles her ass against me. “Yeah, you are.”

I wrap my arms around her waist and haul her closer. She slaps at my hands. “No. I need my beauty sleep. You may wake me at noon.”

I chuckle as I kiss her hair before rolling away. She snuggles into her pillow and a few seconds later she’s snoring.

I scan the floor for my jeans before I remember they’re in the hallway near the front door. Once I’m dressed and have taken care of business, I go in search of the kitchen and some coffee.

With a cup in my hand, I wander around the apartment. I’m surprised to discover the kitchen has brand-new stainless steel appliances and marble countertops. In the living room, there are floor to ceiling windows with views of the Rockies in the distance.

This apartment isn’t what I expected of Cassandra. She’s such a free spirit. A cookie-cutter place doesn’t seem to fit her. But I’m not one to judge. I’ve had enough of people judging me for the choices I’ve made in my life.

I check the time. It’s still several hours before Sleeping Beauty will wake. I settle on the sofa to drink my coffee and answer some work emails.

I’m finishing up her breakfast when she stumbles into the kitchen a few minutes before noon.

“Huh. You’re still here,” she grumbles.

I hand her a cup of coffee. She grunts her thanks before gulping half of it down in one go.

“Ah,” she says as she cradles the mug to her chest.

“Feeling better?”

“Yes, thank you.” She sniffs and her nose wrinkles. It’s adorable. “What am I smelling?”

I open the oven and remove the plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

“Did you order breakfast? I didn’t know you could have breakfast delivered to your door here.”

“I didn’t order in.” I nod to the place I set for her at the island. “Sit.”

She plants her fists on her hips and her breasts jut out. “What if I’m not hungry?”

She’s dressed in a thin tank top with no bra showing off her perfect breasts and a pair of tight leggings displaying her shapely legs. I have plenty of ideas of what we can do if she doesn’t want to eat.

I step closer until I’m crowding her against the kitchen counter. Her breath hitches and her green eyes flare. I trail my nose along her neck until I reach her ear where I bite on the lobe.

“I can think of several other things I’d rather be doing,” I growl into her ear.

She shivers and arches into me. “What kinds of things?”

Her stomach growls, and I retreat before indicating the seat.

“You need to eat first.”

She bites her bottom lip and bats her eyelashes at me. “I know something I want to eat.”

My cock twitches. He’s on board with her plan. I’m not. For some reason, I feel the need to take care of this woman. I’m not questioning it. When my gut speaks, I listen.

“Food first. Other stuff later.”