Page 29 of Meet Dare

River pushes her hand away from his face. “Maybe not smack me in the face next time, klutzy girl.”

“It’s not my fault your face walked into my hand.”

Elizabeth is full of shit. She’s a total klutz. I can’t believe people let her near them with scissors, but they do. Based on how busy her spa is, multitudes of people let her cut their hair.

“It’s Cedar,” Lilac says.

“So much for sisters before misters,” I mutter.

“You’d avoid answering the question all night. I’m hungry and the casserole’s ready.”

“Cedar? Who’s Cedar? The name sounds familiar, but I can’t place him.”

“He’s Rowan’s brother.”

“Why don’t you give Beckett his resume while you’re at it?” I ask Lilac.

“Okay. Cedar is—”

I hold up my hand. “I was being sarcastic.”

“Oh,” she says but her eyes are sparkling. She knew what I was doing.

“Why does everyone know about Cedar except me?” Beckett asks.

“If you had been on time for the grand opening ofGlitter N Bliss,you would have known,” Elizabeth says.

“I told you I’m sorry. And I bought you those roses.”

Lilac sighs. “You should know better than to buy cut flowers.”

“Oh my god! Enough!” I throw my arms in the air. “Cedar and I are friends.”

Elizabeth snorts. “Friends with benefits.”

I ignore her. “He’s not my suitor, he’s not my boyfriend, he’s not my man. We played around some, but it’s over now. Since he’s a big fat liar.”

Beckett’s nostrils flare. “Played around some? He played with you?”

“Yes. And I played with him. It was mutually beneficial.”

“I’m going to kill him.”

“I’m a grown ass woman. You can’t threaten to kill a man because we had sex.”

“Chill it with the s-e-x talk,” Elizabeth whispers. “You’re making things worse.”

“No. I will not chill it. It’s about time big brother realizes his sisters are adults and do adult things such as have sex. Hell, Gabrielle’s trying to get pregnant.”

Gabrielle drops her chin until her blonde hair forms a curtain over her face. Phoenix circles his arms around her waist and draws her near. Crap. I’ll apologize for embarrassing her later. Maybe. It’s not as if Beckett doesn’t know she’s trying to have a baby.

Diva buts her head against my leg. She’s trembling and her eyes practically swallow her face. I pick her up and cuddle her.

“Nothing’s wrong, baby.” Although she did give me the perfect excuse to leave. “I’m going. I don’t want Diva upset.”


I walk away before I can hear the rest of whatever Beckett is going to say. I’m not interested.