“This isn’t working,” Cedar grumbles before taking my hand and leading me to the path behind his house.
“You can’t hide!” Sage hollers.
“Wanna bet?” I do love a challenge.
We stop a few feet into the forest.
I yank my hand from Cedar’s and cross my arms over my chest. “No more procrastinating. What’s going on?”
He waves the papers at me. “I’ve just been appointed the director of the community center.”
My brow wrinkles. “The Winter Falls community center?” He nods. “But it’s not open yet.”
“It opens next month and I’m the new director.”
“But you’re a finance man.”
“I can’t help thinking if there had been a community center when I was a kid, my parents wouldn’t have had such a hard time and I wouldn’t have ended up hearing what they said and misinterpreting it.”
“Do you need me to apologize again?” Raven calls.
Cedar grunts before grabbing my hand and dragging me further into the woods.
“This is to prove to you I’m not going anywhere.”
I frown. I already know he’s not going anywhere. I knew it the day I accused him of wanting to leave. Shit. I need to apologize.
“I may have overreacted.”
He chuckles. “Ya think?”
I slap his shoulder. “You were right.”
“I’m always—”
I slam my hand over his mouth. It’s my turn to speak.
“I panicked when I saw the date on the calendar.” I pause to gather my courage before continuing, “My head knows I didn’t kill my parents but my heart is still working on it.”
He nips at my hand and I yelp as I drop it.
“And I’ll be here the entire time while you work through it.”
“I guess that’s why I love you.”
“You love me?”
I blow out a puff of air. “Yeah.”
He cradles my face. “Say the words.” I huff and he kisses my forehead. “Say the words so I can say them back to you.”
“I love you, Cedar pain-in-my-ass Hansley.”
His eyes close and he leans his forehead against mine. “And I love you, Cassandra most-stubborn-woman-in-the-world Dempsey.”
“Can we start the party now?” Ashlyn shouts and I jerk away from Cedar.
“I still need to ask her to move in with me,” Cedar shouts back.