Page 119 of Meet Dare

He grasps my shoulders and his eyes bore into mine. “Hear me on this. I don’t give the first fuck about the dare.”

“Except you wouldn’t be here if there hadn’t been a dare.”

“Are you listening to yourself?”

No, but the words are flowing out of my mouth anyway.

“I had no intention of leaving Winter Falls before we made the stupid dare.”

I snort. “Which is why your movable house is sitting on land outside of town.”

“Listen to my words. You, Cassandra Claire Dempsey, deserve love.”


“You did not kill your parents.”

“I’m not talking about them now!”

“No? You’re not panicking because you fear you don’t deserve love?”

My hands fist and I scream at the top of my lungs, “I am not panicking!”

He blows out a breath of air. “You’re obviously not willing to listen to reason now.”

“Don’t call me irrational!”

“I didn’t say the word irrational. You did.”

He backs away from me and strolls toward the kitchen table where he collects his laptop and papers.

“Aha! I told you you’re leaving!”

“I’m not leaving for good. I’m leaving until you can ca—” He clears his throat. “I’m going to my house to work for the day. We’ll talk later.”

I follow him to the door and fling it open for him. I motion toward the hallway.

“No, we won’t talk later.”

“Yes, we will.” He kisses my forehead before walking out of my apartment and straight out of my life.

“We’re over!” I shout at his retreating form.

“I love you,” he shouts back.

I slam the door in response. Diva scratches at my leg and I reach down to pick her up.

“It’s okay, baby girl. We’re better off without him.”

She whimpers as she stares at the door.

“Come on. Let’s get you a rawhide treat and me a bottle of wine.”

She barks in response.

“I’m not going to work tonight but thanks for reminding me. I’ll call Lennon to fill in now.”

When she yips again, I ignore her. I’m not taking relationship advice from a dog.