Page 116 of Meet Dare

I wrench my hand from Ashlyn’s and cross my arms over my chest. “How dare I what?” Don’t worry. I know exactly what she’s talking about. It was epic.

She pokes my chest. “You know what you did.”

I wipe the glitter from my shirt. “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to explain.”

“Explain!” She throws her arms in the air and glitter rains down onto the street.

“Did you glitter bomb her?” Ashlyn asks.

“Worse,” Elizabeth snarls. “She put glitter in balloons and filled my house with them.”

“You shouldn’t have popped the balloons,” Ashlyn says.

Elizabeth glares at her. “The house was packed to the rim with them. I had to pop them to reach the bathroom.”

Ashlyn holds up her hand to me. “High five!”

I manage to smack her hand before Elizabeth shoves her way in between us. “What did I do to you?”

I cock an eyebrow. She must know what she did. Elizabeth is many things, but stupid is not one of them.

“Olivia’s our sister.” Yep. She knows.

I snort. Some sister.


Pan the goat bleats before she headbutts me. I shriek and step back. This goat is possessed by the devil. Trust me. She can literally pee and shit on command. I shiver as I back away from the animal.

Phoenix rushes over with Gabrielle trailing behind him.

“Is it finally time to sacrifice a goat at the altar?” I tease.

Gabrielle gasps and throws her arms around Pan’s neck. “Keep your grubby hands off her!”

“You do know Pan is a goat, right?”

She points to Diva who’s currently dressed in a sundress with hearts on it and a matching bow in her hair. She’s absolutely adorable in her summer solstice outfit.

“And you know Diva’s a dog, right?”

I take Diva from Cedar’s hold and cover her ears. “Shush. She’ll hear you.”

“Hello!” Elizabeth shouts. “I’m not done arguing with you.”

Gabrielle glances over at Elizabeth and her eyes widen when she notices the glitter covering her hair and arms.

“What happened to you?”

“She got glitter bombed,” Ashlyn answers.

Cedar circles my waist from behind and lays his forehead against my back. I can feel his body shaking as he laughs. “I don’t know why I hesitated to come today.”

Chapter 38

If you panic, keep your mouth shut and don’t do anything stupid ~ advice Cassie has never taken

“Are you working next Thursday?” Cedar asks as I walk into the kitchen.