Page 114 of Meet Dare

As our tongues duel, I circle his waist with my leg and rub myself against his now hard length. Before I have a chance to climb him, his phone dings with a message.

I rip my mouth from his. “Ignore it.”

He doesn’t, though. “It’s my mom. She’s wondering if we’ll meet them for lunch.”

At the mention of his parents, my libido takes a nose dive.

“Does this mean you want to go?” Since being reunited with his parents, he meets up with them as often as he can. “You sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Last chance.”

He kisses my nose. “I’m fine now. Thanks to some excellent help from the woman I love.”

I no longer panic when he says the l-word. Nope. I’m breathing just fine at the moment. Although the butterflies in my stomach are making it difficult to inhale a deep breath. I open my mouth, but as usual, no words come out.

Cedar doesn’t comment or push me. He never does. Just one of the many things I love about him.

Instead, he asks, “You ready to go?”

I stretch my arms over my head before doing a few lunges. “Ready.”

He chuckles. “We’re going into town for a pagan festival. I’m not sure why stretching is required.”

“Duh. I’m the reigning champion of the bonfire jumping competition. I need to be prepared.”

And maybe I should be warmed up before Elizabeth finds me and I need to make a run for it.

Diva follows us as we walk to the door. “No. You’re staying home.”

She yips.

“You can show everyone your cute outfit when we go for a walk later.”

She growls.

I wag my finger at her. “You can threaten to bark all you want. It doesn’t matter. No one’s going to be home to be annoyed by the noise.”

She stares at me as she begins to squat. I snatch her from the floor before she can pee on the carpet.

“Fine. You can come with, but no complaining.”

She yips before licking my face.

Cedar barks out a laugh. “She has you trained well.”

“At least she doesn’t try to eat my toes during sex.”

Unfortunately, the toe-eating monster has struck on more than one occasion. Until Cedar decided he’d had enough and fixed the door latch so the fur monster couldn’t sneak into the bedroom during our amorous activities.

He shudders. “Point taken.”

We let Diva out on the grass in front of my apartment building before walking the three blocks to Main Street where the festival is taking place. The street is crowded with people and booths from vendors selling their wares.

“Who’s holding down the fort atElectric Vibestoday?”

Before I have a chance to answer, a woman shouts “Aha!” behind me. I whirl around to find the gossip gals standing there in their hot pink t-shirts. Today, the t-shirts sayGossip Gals Do It Better In Summer.