Page 8 of Meet Dare

He chuckles as he wraps an arm around my shoulders and kisses my cheek. “Hi, princess.”

I’m no princess, but if he wants to refer to me as one, he may have at it. To him, I will be a princess.

Once we’re inside the house, I don’t bother to hide my curiosity as I study the place.

“This is tiny.”

“That must be why they call it a tiny house.”

I pinch his side. “I’m the smart ass in this relationship.”

Shit. I didn’t mean to say relationship. We’re not in a relationship. We had a one-night stand and ate a lovely breakfast together before I sent him on his way. None of which spells relationship.

“My apologies. I didn’t intend to step on your toes,” he says, and I realize he didn’t notice my misstep.

“Apology accepted,” I sass as I scoot further into the home.

Although further is relative. I can make it about five steps before I’ve entered the kitchen from the living room.

“How does a big guy like you live in such a small place?”

He waggles his eyebrows. “Are you saying I’m big?”

I shove him. “Not what I meant and you know it. You’re six-foot tall. Don’t you feel cramped in here?”

“Nope. I spend most of my time outdoors.”

“What about when it’s freezing outside?” Today is relatively mild for November in Colorado, but it’s going to get colder.

He shrugs. “I move on.”

“You move on?”

“Did you not notice the wheels under the house?”

Did he expect me to notice wheels when he was standing out there bearing his naked back with all its delicious muscles? I can prioritize and wheels did not make the priority list.

He chuckles and lifts a table to reveal a wheel well. “Wheels.”

“You hitch your house up to your truck and off you go whenever you’re bored?”


Sounds lovely. Of course, if I tried to live on the road, my sisters and brother would probably follow me the entire time. It’d be a caravan every time I moved. Although, Gabrielle won’t go anywhere without Phoenix now and he has the farm. And Beckett is the CEO of his company.

I rub my chest. Everyone in my family is moving on and I’m stuck. I can’t find a partner to settle down with when I don’t deserve love.

“What about your job?” I ask to force my thoughts away from the doom and gloom of my lonely future. “Doesn’t the mob want to know where you are at all times?”

“They’re actually pretty cool about it. Of course, they probably have some tracking devices attached to my house and truck.”

I nod. “Naturally, they need to keep tabs on you in case you decide to launder all of their money into an account in the Cayman Islands.”

He wraps his arms around me and draws me near as he barks out a laugh. I enjoy the feel of his body vibrating against mine, although it would feel better if we were naked.

“You’re one of a kind, princess,” he says as he kisses my hair.

“I know.”