Page 56 of Meet Dare

I make sure my door is locked before switching off the lights. I rip off my t-shirt and bra and throw them on the floor of the living room as I make my way toward my bedroom. My jeans hit my bedroom floor.

I sigh as I lift my comforter. “Ah, finally.”

I crawl into bed, but when I push my legs under the covers, they get stuck. What the hell? I kick at the blankets. But no matter what I do I can’t push my legs further under the covers. I must be more tired than I thought if getting into bed is defeating me.

I roll out of bed and switch on the light. I fist my hands at my hips and glare at my bed. It appears perfectly normal, but there must be something wrong. I flip off the comforter to discover someone short sheeted my bed. I burst into laughter. Elizabeth got me.

Chapter 19

Valentine’s Day was invented by the card companies. I want nothing to do with it ~ Cassie’s crabby rules for avoiding squishy emotions in life

Isigh as I feel the arm banded around my waist tighten. I wiggle my ass into Cedar’s hardness, and he groans, “Princess.”

“The things I plan to do to you are definitely not princess-like.” I have a whole list of ideas to choose from. None of which scream royal.

“Oh yeah?” His palm scrapes against my skin as it moves from my waist to my breast. He glides the tip of his finger around my nipple, and I moan as I jut my chest forward in invitation.

His other hand sneaks down until he cups me. I’ve never been so happy to have been too tired to put my panties back on before I fell asleep in my life.

I reach my arm around to thread my fingers through his hair and twist my neck until my mouth meets his. I open for him and he thrusts inside. I immediately capture his tongue and suck on it. I’m rewarded with a pinch of my nipple.Yes.

His cock rubs between my ass cheeks and I writhe against him. I’m wet and needy and this party is only getting started. Awesome.


I ignore Diva.


I yank my lips from Cedar’s to yell at my dog. “Not now, needy girl!”


Cedar sighs before releasing me and rolling out of bed.

“Where are you going?” I pout.

“To look after your dog.”

“She’ll calm down eventually.”

He chuckles. “Last time she yipped at the door for an hour, but you wouldn’t let me open it.”

“You were going down on me. Of course, I didn’t let you stop. And it wasn’t an hour.”

His eyes twinkle. “Are you daring me to go down on you for an hour?”

I bite down on my bottom lip and bat my eyelashes. “Maybe?”

“Challenge accepted.”


“Ignore her,” I demand as I spread my legs. His eyes widen as he stares at my center. I snake my hand down my stomach and he growls.


This time Diva’s yips are accompanied by her scratching on the door. I sigh and close my legs.