Page 109 of Meet Dare

River barks out a laugh. “There’s no need to ask. Ashlyn volunteers information about their sex life each and every time I meet her.”

“True story,” Phoenix adds.

Beckett crosses his arms in front of his chest. “I’m not impressed with this so-called expertise in multi-tasking thus far.”

Rowan clears his throat before placing his hands on my shoulders. “Are you going to hurt his sister, Cassandra?”

“Of course not. I love her.”

He grins before pulling me into a hug. He slaps my back hard enough to give me bruises, but I know better than to complain. Complaining will cause him to slap me harder. It’s his duty as my older brother.

“Glad you finally admitted it.”

“Finally? I’ve never denied it.”

“You love my sister?” Beckett asks.

“Cassandra, yes. The rest of them?” I shrug. Olivia is not my favorite person. She hurt Cassandra and anyone who hurts the woman I love is on my shit list.

“Hey!” River hip checks me. “Bessie’s awesome.”

“Don’t forget Gabrielle,” Phoenix adds. “She’s the best of the sisters.”

“The best of the Dempsey sisters,” Rowan clarifies. “As for the West sisters, I think we all know who the best is of those five.”

“Lilac,” Beckett claims.

“Ashlyn,” Rowan corrects.

River feigns gagging. “Can we stop discussing feelings now and go for a swim?”

“Sure!” Phoenix shouts before cannonballing into the water and splashing everyone.

“Asshole,” River scolds.

Beckett smirks. “Unlike you heathens, I’m nice and dry.”

“That’s what she said!” River and Phoenix yell in unison.

River sprints toward the water and this time I’m smart enough to get out of the way. Rowan starts to rush after him but stops to nudge me before pointing at Beckett and mouthing, talk to him.

“You good?” I ask Beckett.

“I’d be better if everyone weren’t running around with their junk out.”

I never figured Lilac would marry a prude, but there’s only one way to handle a prude. I open my arms wide. “Hey! If you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

He growls. “You better not be flaunting it with anyone other than my sister. I’ll gut you if you hurt her.”

I lift my hands. “Message received.”

“I’m serious. My dad taught me to fish. Gutting a person can’t be much different than gutting a fish.”

My hands hurry to cover my junk. “I’m not interested in anyone other than Cassie. She’s my princess.”

“And you’ll treat her as such.”

I bark out a laugh. “Have you met your sister? She’ll cut my balls off herself if she thinks I’m not treating her the way she wants.”