“It won’t be Miss. for long, slave.”
Nessa tried to side step Kiara and got a fist in her face.
“Don’t ever call me that again, bitch.”
Kiara stood her ground and I don’t think I’d ever seen a female look so damn sexy. Maybe I was biased, but fuck me.
Nessa’s hand flew to her nose as she cried out.
“Are you just going to let her do that to me? The contract still stands, alpha.”
I glared at Nessa and as the beta came up next to her I shrugged.
“I am just going to let her - “
“But, we have a contract,” she whined and cut me off. Her voice grated on me and it had only been a few minutes.
“There is no longer any need for the contract to stand. You can accept me as the new alpha and fall in line which would still give you the same advantages of my pack members. I will of course have some house cleaning to do. Would you like to be on that list?”
Her hand was still covering her nose, and I wondered if my mate hadn’t broken the damn thing.
“We had an agreement. Make me your mate, now.”
Kiara had her arm pulled back, and I grabbed her fist before she hit Nessa again.
“Now, now. There is no need to inflict more pain, Kiara. You already have everything she wants.”
Nessa’s eyes darted between us. Her nasally growl told me her nose was indeed broken and now so would her dreams.
“Devon? Excuse me? What are you talking about? She is a slave. How she got here is still something I don’t understand. But you need to mate me. You killed my father. Tradition says you have every right to take the alpha’s daughter as your mate. If you want to control my pack like planned, follow through.”
Kiara snarled at Nessa. “Do not say his name, ever. He is your alpha you twat-waffle. You are such a selfish pile of crap. You’ve spent your whole life fucking whoever you thought could get you something and finally your gross dried up raisin of a vagina is failing you. You aren’t even upset that your father’s body is lying right there?”
Nessa gasped, and I snorted.
“You can’t talk to me like that. You are nothing. You’re a nobody. My father saw how worthless you were when he made sure you’d never go free.”
Kiara was silent and the reality of what Nessa had just admitted stirred a fury inside me that my entire pack felt the silent declaration of war.
I flexed my hands as my claws broke free. I reached for Kiara, but she pulled away and it pissed me off, not because of the defiance. Because she was fucking shutting it all in again.
“Alpha, tell her she can’t talk to me like that,” said Nessa.
I took a step closer to Kiara and smiled. “Kiara, may talk to you any fucking way she wants.”
Perhaps I could clear up a few things, but Cripple Creek seemed to like games and games I could play. Besides, I enjoyed watching my mate lay her demons to rest.
I watched Kiara as she took a few more steps towards Nessa. The female wasn’t smart enough to walk away. More wolves showed up, several were Cripple Creek and most were mine. They hadn’t flown in with their entire pack, it wouldn’t have been possible. Strange how this night would end. Starting out a celebration with witnesses from both sides.
The problem is, her alpha attacked. And maybe it was actually the solution. I no longer had a problem with how not to start a war with this pack. They had done it themselves.
Kiara still hadn’t spoken.
Mate, are you okay?
She didn’t answer, but in her own way she was working through reality. The truth. This time she shifted and placed her hand on my arm.
Nessa’s eyes darted from her to me and back to her. She dropped her hands; the blood dark and cakey had dried, she would heal from that little break far quicker than my mate would heal from the emotional trauma.