Page 93 of Vicious Bonds

“Well, I went to her, and she took me to Beatrix again.”

I frown. “Why?”

“Listen, before you get upset, I just want to tell you, thereisa way for you and Willow.”

I resist the urge to snap at her by sipping my tea and waiting for her to continue. She presses a hand on the folder before her and slides it across the oak table toward me. I glance down at it before lifting my gaze to hers again.

“Read it,” she insists.

I don’t read it right away because I have no clue what the hell I’m getting myself into. She’s noticed my supposed moping and she’s been speaking to Alora behind my back? What the hell else has she been doing?

“Did Maeve send you to Alora?”

Juniper blinks before dropping her eyes to her teacup. She cradles it in her hands, avoiding my eyes. “She wants what’s best for you, Caz.”

“I don’t need anyone telling me what’s best for me.”

“Can you just read what’s on the papers?”

I draw in a deep breath, snatching my eyes away from hers and focusing on the folder. I flip it open, and there’s a white sheet inside, yellowing at the edges. The words are handwritten in black ink.

They will tellyou there’s no way to be with your mate due to the Cold Tether. They’re lying. A simple Tether means you’re soulmates, but aColdTether is much deeper than that. You’restill soulmates, bound to one another lifetime after lifetime, but there is a beginning to your bond.

When you find out where your Cold Tether starts, it all makes sense. It’s not a curse. It’s a gift. And once that gift has been discovered, there will be others seeking to tear it apart for their own power. Together is the only way to keep your strength, even when they tell you not to be. Apart, and your soul suffers until you’re left to be nothing but dust.

I liftmy gaze to Juniper’s, who is anxiously waiting for me to respond.

“What am I supposed to be gathering here?” I ask.

“Turn it over,” she says.

I flip the page, and there’s an address listed. “An address in The Trench.” I raise a brow. She can’t be serious.

“Yes. And from what Beatrix told me, she knows one couple who beat the Cold Tether who may still live there, but she also believes it’s unlikely.”

“Then why didn’t she tell me this herself?”

“Because she didn’t want to give false hope. I had to beg her for something—anythingthat could help you and Willow. This couple is from different worlds, just like you two, and it’s believed that they’re still together.”

“How would they still be alive?”

Juniper stands. “I suppose we should go find out. If we can get to them, ask them how they did it, maybe this will help you get Willow back. She could stay here and—”

I shove back in my chair. “Juniper, do you hear yourself? Willow doesn’twantto be here! She can’t be here! I don’t give a fuck how this Cold Tether works, but she and I aren’t meant to be, and the sooner you, Maeve, and anyone else who is plottingbehind my back can get that through your thick fucking skulls, the better off you’ll be.”

“You don’t have to be miserable, Caz! We’ve talked to Della! She’s worried about you and so are we! You’re in pain and you can’t stop it.”

“My pain has nothing to do with anyone,” I grumble, turning away. “Now stop digging behind my back and leave it be.”

“Willow wouldn’t want this, and you know it. What happens when she starts to feel the pain too? Will you just let her suffer?” Juniper’s voice echoes after me, but I’ve already left the kitchen. I march out the back door and cross the field to get to the stables. The door creaks on the hinges, and my stable boy, Pash, sees me and waves.

“Good morning, Mr. Harlow,” the boy greets me, standing next to a bale of hay.

“Morning, Pash. Onyx behaving himself?”

“He is, sir. He loves his morning walks.” Pash grins, standing closer.

I stand in front of Onyx, stroking his black mane. “How about a morning ride then, eh?” I murmur to the stallion.