Page 15 of Love Lies

“What’s that?”

I walked around the counter and cupped her face. “No one could ever replace you, my pretty little monster.”

Her mouth crashed into mine, and I caught the moan as it drifted from her lips, scared shitless for the first time that our relationship that was never supposed to be real felt realer than anything I’d ever experienced. It wouldn’t be fair to ask her for more. She no doubt had plans to return to Louisiana, or shewouldn’t have mentioned her home state. I didn’t want to let her go, I wanted to see where we would end up with unlimited time, but that wasn’t a possibility. We had an expiration date, even if I didn’t want it anymore. I was the one who made the dammed rules. The first two weren’t binding and had wiggle room, but the last, I was finding it very hard to abide by. I had never been one to believe in love at first sight. Hell, I was sure it didn’t exist for me. Now, with my hands in her hair and her tongue caressing mine, I never wished to be more wrong in my life.



Today was it.The end of our contract. I thought I would be happy for this day to come, but I wasn’t. In fact, I was the closest to depression as I thought I had ever been in my life. I didn’t want to leave, but I wasn’t telling Skip that. He was the world’s best imposter in the worst way. I was the universe’s biggest hypocrite. I lied to love, and love lied to me. I swore on my very life that love wasn’t real, and if it was, it wasn’t for me. I couldn’t have been further from the truth. Love was so exceedingly real that it was palpable. It made you do stupid things without you realizing it and was the motivation for your actions. Love was the untraceable drug that people unknowingly welcomed into their bodies, falling deeply under its spell without detecting its presence until it was too late. I had been drugged by Skip Turner, and now, I was his addict. After tomorrow, when our relationship was over, I would be another pitiful junkie who spent years without him, trying to get clean.

Maybe if I had been raised by different people and the world was a tiny bit kinder, Skip and I could have found each other. The world wasn’t a kind place, though, and fate was an asshole. I hated everything today, myself included. I couldn’t face Skip because seeing him meant this was ending, and my stupid lyingheart couldn’t bear the thought of living without him for even a second.

“Ms. Dupree?” Maryland’s voice called, opening the door as she entered my room. She didn’t even bother knocking anymore. I didn’t mind. I actually liked being around her. She reminded me of the loving yet sassy grandma I never had.

“Morning, Maryland.” I faked a smile for her benefit, curling the covers around my face.

“Honey, it’s Valentine’s Day. Aren’t you excited to find out who your admirer is?”

I squinted at her. “We’re both aware who he is.” I stared at her, remembering her coming into the shop last week while I was on my knees behind the counter.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. Love is in the air, and tonight is the Sweetheart’s Dance. So, you’re getting up, putting on this dress I’m sure cost more money than my house, and meeting that man for your final gift. We won’t do this poor pitiful me routine, not while I’m around.”

“Wow, you don’t cut anyone any slack, do you?”

“Not when there’s no reason to. I know what love is, dear.”

I sniffed back the tears that were climbing up my throat because I refused to lose it in front of her. I didn’t dare admit I knew what it was all too well, but the problem was, I wasn’t supposed to. I had assured Skip it wasn’t an issue for me to not fall for him, but I still fell for him without giving my consent.

“Now, get your ass out of bed and in the shower. No one wants a stinky valentine.”

I smiled with a nod. I owed Skip the last day of our bargain, and I was a woman of my word, so I would see this through to its end, even if it ripped my heart to shreds.



“Running behind,meet me at my shop, and I’ll sweep you off your feet. ;)” Skip texted. I swallowed the uncontrollable sadness. I wouldn’t cry. After this, I would never give my heart to anyone else. Instead, I would drown it in cement and lock it away. Maybe then, it wouldn’t have the power to do this to me ever again. I would die a lonely, bitter woman, and as long as I didn’t have to feel this unrelenting pain, I was okay with it.

“On my way.” I shot a quick reply back to him and headed out the door.

The main lights were off when I reached his shop, much like the night this whole mess started. Only now, I knew to flip the main lights on so I could see.

“Leave them off, please,” Skip asked, and my muscles jerked. “Take a seat,” he instructed.

“Okay,” I said in a defeated voice, finding the chair he had set out for me just inside the door. This was it. He was done. I didn’t even get tonight to let my addict heart down easy. Hot tears rimmed my lower eyelids, and I cleared my throat. I wouldn’t break in front of him; it wouldn’t do me any favors by doing so. It would only make things worse for me.

The first strum of the guitar took me by surprise as Skip mindlessly plucked the tune I’d come to love. I didn’t know what it was, but he played it often. When he cleared his throat, my fingertips wrapped around the edge of the chair, bracing myself for what he was going to say.

He strummed a few more cords, and I lost it. The tears broke free and rushed down my face.

“This is your last gift, and then I’ll be out of your life for good.” He walked to where I was sitting and place the guitar on my lap. “Here, so you’ll always remember me. It all works out, though. I already have people lined up to buy this song and its lyrics. So, as for my future, I guess I’ll move to that mansion you asked me why I didn’t own. I’ll be leaving this town and never looking back, and for that, I thank you.”

“Wait. You’re leaving?”

“Yeah, it doesn’t feel right anymore, everything is so…”

“Depressing?” I finished his sentence.