Page 26 of About Last Knight

While he sheaths himself in a condom, I move up and down on Anthony. I start to ride him in rhythm. He’s deep inside me. Anthony grabs my breasts hard. “Ti piace il mio cazzo?”

“Yes, I like your cock. Both of your cocks. Now get them both inside of me.”

I feel Tony make his way to my back entrance. He’s rubbing the lube all over me. I slow my movements on Anthony to give Tony the access he needs.

He slides two fingers in my back entrance to loosen me up while kissing my back. In and out. It’s such a crazy sensation having them in both the front and back.

He pulls his fingers out and says, “Tirala avanti.” Anthony complies and pulls my body forward so my chest is touching his.

Tony’s cock first teases my back entrance. I find myself squirming in need and anticipation. He finally starts to enter me. He slowly slips forward inch by inch until he’s all the way in.

Then they’re both completely still, letting me acclimate to having two big dicks inside me. I close my eyes at the sensation. I’ve never felt so full in my entire life. I take a few deep breaths.

I feel Anthony’s hand brushing my face. He looks at me with such care and compassion. “Stai bene?”

I nod. “I’m fine. You guys can start moving. Don’t hold back.”

They look at each other and smile. I wasn’t kidding when I called them synchronized swimmers. They move in and out of me in perfect, practiced unison. It’s like a choreographed dance. I’m just the lucky woman who gets to go along for the ride. And what a ride it is.

I can’t believe I’ve waited fifty-two years to experience this. It’s incredible. Euphoric. After a few condom and position switches, they give me three more orgasms before I pass out cold.


“Are you sure we have everything, Sexy?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. You did most of the packing. Your mom’s done this before. I’m not worried. She can drop by our house if we forgot anything.”

Trevor smiles as we ride up the elevator to Melissa’s apartment. “I can’t wait to get you back to Mexico.” He runs his eyes up and down my body as he licks his lips.

I smile back at my handsome husband. “Me too. I can’t wait for Secretariat to break another lifeguard stand.”

He leans over and kisses me. “I have some other plans for us this time. I vowed to keep you on your toes. I take those vows seriously.” He winks at me.

Yes, please.

The elevator doors open to Melissa’s palace. I roll the double stroller off the elevator while Trevor carries Brandon and Dylan’s bags. For two small babies, they certainly do require a lot of items for a long weekend.

I was staring at the bags and didn’t realize that I ran over something. I look down and see a dress and a man’s shirt on the floor. Oh shit. I know what this means. I hand Trevor the stroller and take the bags from him. “Take the kids back down and go for a walk around the block. I’ll text you when it’s time to come back up.”

He pinches his eyebrows together. “What? Why? We have to get to the air…”

Just then we hear a voice from the bedroom. It’s a man saying, “Buongiorno.”

I look up at Trevor and his eyes pop open. His nostrils flair and his breathing picks up.

I see him start to move toward the bedroom, but I put my hand on his chest. “Trevor, she’s a grown woman. She’s allowed to have a man stay over. Don’t go in there and embarrass her.”

We then hear a different man’s voice say, “Buongiorno amore mio.”

Oh my god. The timing couldn’t be worse. I try to hide my smile with my fist but fail miserably. Good for Melissa.

I whisper, “I’ve got this. Just go. Come back in fifteen minutes. Please. Let’s not humiliate her more than we need to.”

I think Trevor’s in shock. He just nods and gets back on the elevator as if on autopilot.

As soon as the doors close, I grab Melissa’s dress off the ground and walk toward her bedroom. I can’t help but laugh when I walk in. Sure enough, Melissa is naked, half-sleeping between two equally naked men. The lube is out and there must be ten used condoms on the ground.

She stirs when I laugh. She slowly opens her eyes, but when she realizes what’s happening, they pop wide open. “Oh fuck.”