Page 45 of About Last Knight


She looks nervous. I don’t know why. It’s not like I’m jealous. I don’t care who she dates as long as she doesn’t bring assholes around my kid. “He asked me to marry him.”

I kiss her cheek. “That’s great. Congratulations.”

She smiles. “Thank you.” There’s more. I can tell.

“Spit it out, Amanda.”

“He works in New York City. His job is up there.”

I feel all the blood drain from my face. She’s going to move with Jade to New York. I don’t see her much as it is. Now I’ll see her even less.

I hit the wall next to me with my fist. “Fuck, Amanda. You can’t take her away from me. We’re finally in a good place. It took so long to get here.”

She puts her hands on her hips. “Actually, Declan, you have no parental rights, so I can take her if I want to, but that’s not what I’m getting at. Why don’t you try calming the fuck down before you get crazy about things.”

I nod. “I’m sorry. Tell me. What is it you’re getting at?”

“Jade wants to finish her last year of school here. She has her friends and she’s happy. I don’t want to upset the apple cart. But I also don’t want to have aweekends only marriage. I’d like to more evenly split my time between here and New York for the next year. If you want her, I’d like for her to spend a few nights a week with you. Maybe something like Tuesdays after school until Friday mornings when she goes to school.”

My chin must hit the floor because she lets out a laugh. “Tell me, Declan. What are you thinking? It’s hard for me to tell with you,” she adds sarcastically.

I have a huge grin. “I’m thinking that this is the best day of my life. Really? You’ll let her stay with me?”

She nods. “Jade and I have discussed it. If she wants to finish school here, she knows that she’ll be with you a few days a week. I think she’s nervous but excited about it.”

I give her a huge hug and she laughs. “Thank you, Amanda. Thank you for trusting me. I promise I won’t let you down.”

“What about your travel?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to stay in town. I’ll photograph weddings for all I care. I’ll make sure I’m here Tuesday through Friday every week for the next year.”

She nods. “Okay. I’ve never seen your place. Is it child appropriate?”

I shrug. Jade has never stayed at my place, so I’ve never thought about it. It may be a bit of a bachelor’s pad. “We can go see it together. If you don’t like it, I’ll redecorate or I’ll buy a different place. I’ll do whatever you think is best.”

She smiles but then bites her lip again.

“What is it? What’s giving you pause?”

“Declan, you can’t parade your normal group of women around our daughter. It’s not healthy to have people in and out of her life. It’s not healthy for her to see all different women in and out of your bed. Especially the type of women you normally date, and their ages. They’re all closer to her age than ours. I don’t want you to have them around when she’s there. I didn’t introduce her to Rick for several months. Not until I was sure about him.”

I nod in agreement. “I’m actually sort of dating someone. It’s new, but I’m really into her.” Amanda gives me a skeptical look. I hold up my hands. “For real. I swear.”

“Is she at least over twenty-five years old?

I give her a big smile. “She’s older than me.”

Her eyes pop wide open. “What? Declan McGinley, I never thought I’d see the day.”

“Yep. She’s amazing. She has three grown sons and a few grandkids.”

Now it’s her turn for her chin to drop the floor. “Grandkids? You’re dating a grandma?”

I laugh. “She doesn’t really look like a grandma though.”

She smiles back. “I have no doubt.”