Page 12 of About Last Knight

I swallow and look up at him. “Yes, you did. It’s fine. I want the same for you. I’m sorry you guys didn’t see a perfect marriage growing up. I hope you know that your father and I always cared for the other, and we still do. I want nothing more than for the three of you to have wonderful, love-filled marriages. Payton has that.” I look between Trevor and Hayden. “You two are well on your way too…”

“And laugh-filled,” Trevor interrupts.

I look at him in question.

“You and Dad never laughed together. I want a laugh-filled marriage.”

“What do you mean? We always joked around.”

“You joked around with us. Never each other.”

Hmm. Is he right? I never thought about that.

We’re getting a bit heavy for brunch. I need to lighten things up. I smile at him. “You’re marrying the craziest woman on the planet. I have no doubt that you’ll never lack in the laugh department.”

He returns my smile. “I love her crazy.”

“I know you do. It’s growing on me, too.”

“She said she’s having fun at your lunches with Aunt Rayne and Aunt Izzy.”

“She fits right in. They already love her.”

He smiles again. “You can’t not love her. She’s infectious.”

I nod. “She's infectious, all right.” He laughs.

I turn back to Hayden and take his hand. “Do whatever it takes to make her happy. To make you both happy. Don’t worry about the superficial nonsense.”

“Okay, Mom. Are you bringing anyone to Trevor’s wedding?”

I shake my head. “Absolutely not. I’m not seeing anyone seriously, and even if I was, that’s not the place for it.”

I smile at them. “I actually started internet dating this week. I’ve finally exhausted the million fix-ups.”

Payton, always the cautious one, looks at me. “Be careful meeting strangers.”

I nod reassuringly. “I am. I don’t let them come inside here to pick me up.” I smirk at them. “I save that for later in the evening.”

The boys all make puking faces. I can’t help but giggle. I love getting them riled up about my love life.

Trevor shakes his head. “No, no, no. You’ve only had sex twice. Conceiving Payton and us. That’s it. I refuse to acknowledge anything else.”

I smirk at him. “You know I’m the same age as your future wife, right?”

“No, you’re a year older, so that makes you a completely different generation.”

I laugh. “Whatever you need to tell yourself. Do you think your father has only had sex twice too?”

They all laugh and Hayden says, “I think we actually see him and Darian have sex at least twice at every dinner.” I can’t help but laugh at the truth in that.

Trevor adds, “And Reagan always calls them out on it. Without fail.”

“How’s she doing?”

He shrugs. “She’s still home recovering. I think she goes back to work this week. She told me that she’ll kill me if she can’t have sex again. She’s very fixated on that.”

“She’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”