Page 41 of My Dark Mate


I was so pissed I could barely think straight, but at least Ren was here, she was safe, and no one would ever hurt her again or take her from me.

“…dickhead. Don’t…” she kept muttering, the sound of her angry sniffles turning my heart to mush even as I simmered inside and cursed my bear.

He bit her. I still couldn’t believe he’d bitten her and claimed her, and even if some part of me was glad, I was stewing with repressed fury over the lack of choice I had.

Grumbling, I ate my breakfast and tried not to make things worse because the truth was, I didn’t want to hurt Ren more than I already had. We were mated now, and there was no going back. I just needed to find a way to get past this and accept it.

When a phone rang, Ren jumped up to answer it, and then she cried out in pain before running, so suddenly it took me a second to realize what was happening. Stalking to the counter where she'd dropped her phone, I lifted it to my ear and growled.

“Who is this?” I demanded, frowning when I heard my truck rumble to life and peel out of the driveway.

“Oh, Caleb. It’s Lacy. Ren needs to come now. There isn’t much time.” a female cried.

I didn’t say anything. I just dropped the thing and turned, my feet hitting the dirt outside in mere seconds. I was fast, faster than most males in the pack, and when I reached the little house where Ren’s grandma lived, Ren was rushing inside.


“I can’t. Not now. Oh, Jesus.” She sobbed, running through the front door and leaving me to follow.

I did, unable to stand the sight of her tears. Rising, I followed and was brought up short when I reached a bedroom to find Ren on her knees beside a bed, sobbing over a frail-looking older female.

“Oh, Christ.” I groaned, my eyes burning when I scented what was happening.

Dying. This old female was dying, I realized, my heart stuttering when I saw her smile sweetly and run a wrinkled hand over Ren’s bent head.

“Don’t leave me, Grammy! Please. Please don’t. I can’t…you’re all I have.” Ren sobbed, her blue eyes streaming tears, while Lacy Baneblood smiled and shook her head.

“Oh, honey, it’s okay.”

“No, it isn’t. You’re all I have, and I don’t want to be alone. Please don’t leave me all alone.” Ren begged, her sobs turning to sniffles.

I couldn’t move while heartache filled me because the scent in the small room was undeniable, and no matter how Ren felt, this was happening. I hated it, and seeing my mate so hurt, so alone, twisted something within me.

“You’re not alone.” Lacy chuckled, her rheumy blue eyes lifting to meet mine.

When she smiled, a soft tilt of her lips, I swallowed hard and stepped forward, realizing how wrong I had been. I wouldn’t come here before to meet her, stubborn pride and anger keeping me from caring about yet another person. I should have, should have been here with Ren all along, and I felt so ashamed of myself, my eyes filled with tears when she reached up a hand to me.

Taking it, I felt how close she was to death, and I hated it.

“Oh, I’m so glad you’re here.” She murmured, giggling when Ren’s head shot up, and she finally saw me.

“Me too.” I rasped, squeezing her hand while staring right into Ren’s eyes. “Should have come a while ago, though.”

“Well, you’re here now, and I’m so grateful. I wanted to thank you, son, for looking after my Ren and making sure she’s safe. I’m so happy she has you, and she won’t be alone. Do me a favor, don’t let that family of hers get their claws into her again. If her mama’s back, she wants something, and that’s never a good thing.”

“I won’t,” I vowed, giving Ren a soft look when she sniffled again and clutched Lacy’s hand.

“Good. That’s so good. I can go, be at peace now that I know my baby’s got you and those strapping brothers.” She sighed, her smile turning softer when Ren choked on a cry and tried to smile. “You gonna help me now, honey? I think I’d like you to see me off to the great yonder.”

“Grammy, I…” Ren choked, her eyes filling with fresh tears, while Lacy smiled and shook her head.

“I’m ready, Ren-girl. Been ready to go see your granddaddy for a while now. Just wanted to know if you were going to be okay before I went home. See me home, honey. And then go live your life.” She whispered, clutching at both of our hands before she sighed and closed her eyes.

I knew the minute Ren connected to her. I felt it in the air, and it made me feel like the worst kind of fool for rejecting this part of her when I sensed just how loving and peaceful Ren's knowing was. It wasn’t intrusive. This wasn’t meant to take, and as I watched her stiffen and slump down on the bed, the soft peace of Lacy’s presence gone in a blink, I knew I needed to do better.

Gathering Ren close, I lifted her and cradled her close, crooning softly. Soothing her as best I could, I made peace with what was happening. Ren was mine, and even if it scared me, I owed this female a part of myself.