He wastes no time in bringing his lips down to mine. I sigh into his kiss and my body easily melds against him. I’ve really fucking missed him these past weeks. As he deepens the kiss I wonder how I even considered trying to live the rest of my life without him. There would have been no way.

I pull back from him and try to catch my breath. “I love you too, you know.”

“Yeah, I know,” he says with a smile.

“You know?”

“Of course I know. Well, at least I strongly suspected it. Do you think I just go around letting doctors slice into my package for just anybody?”

“I would certainly hope not.” I smile and start to slide my hands underneath his shirt, feeling the warm skin of his stomach on my fingertips. “So, did the doc give you the all clear to, uh, get back in action?”

That smirk I always either want to smack or kiss of his face appears. “I don’t know, why don’t we go find out?” I squeal as he hoists me off the ground and over his shoulder, carrying me back to my bedroom.

“Put me down you Neanderthal.”

“Nope.” He merely smacks me on the ass and keeps walking. This man drives me absolutely crazy. Apparently as crazy as I drive him. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Six Months Later



“Not yet,” I tell her. She lets out a moan of frustration that only serves to bring a smile to my face. I grip the fabric that’s bunched at her hips tighter and continue the steady pace of my swollen dick running in and out of her tight pussy. She pushes back against me, trying to get me to move faster so she can get the orgasm that’s just within her reach but I make her wait for it. I know it will be better if I make her wait.

It feels like she’s strangling my dick as I plunge one hand down the front of her dress and inside her bra, squeezing her tightly, making her gasp. “Jesus fuck, please Carson.”

I run my lips up the side of her neck, nipping then kissing every spot along the way. The shiver that I can see run down her spine fills me with male satisfaction. I may get to control when my woman comes but she’s always satisfied, always desperate for me. I see her hands grip the edge of the sink tighter as she tries to suppress her cries of pleasure that my cock is providing her every time it slides against that spot deep inside her.

“What do you say, honey?”

She grits her teeth and I can see that spark of rebellion flash in her eyes through the mirror. It’s short lived though as she quickly lets it go in favor of the orgasm she’s about to receive. I’m sure I’ll pay for it later. I’m okay with that. “Please Carson, let me come.”

“Do you deserve to come?” I whisper in her ear while keeping up my relentless pace.

“Yes,” she bites out before realizing snapping at me isn’t going to get her anywhere. “Yes, please. I deserve it. I’ll do anything you say, anything you want.”

“You’ll give me whatever I ask for?”

“Yes. Just… please!” I doubt she’ll even recall promising me that but a little extra insurance never hurts.

“You better remember that later.” I increase my pace until I’m pounding into her mercilessly. Her moaning is getting louder and I don’t want anyone outside to hear us so I put my hand over her mouth to contain the screams that are coming and bite down on her earlobe.

I feel her coming around my cock before I hear her muffled shout of ecstasy. The rhythmic pulsing of her coming pussy sends me over the edge and I spurt jet after jet of come deep inside her.

After a moment of us both catching our breaths, I reluctantly withdraw from her warmth and we take a moment to clean ourselves up, happy that we slipped away into a bathroom this time and not some closet. I help Bianca wipe up between her legs before I pull her panties back into place then proceed to straighten up my slacks and shirt.

“Look what you did to my hair,” Bianca says, studying herself in the mirror and trying to shove a few stray strands back into the fancy knot she has at the back of her head.

“I think you look beautiful,” I tell her, capturing her lips for a kiss.

“You always say that,” she grumbles good naturedly.

“That’s because it’s always true.”

She abandons her hair and turns around with a smile, wrapping her arms around my waist. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were buttering me up for something?”