A shiver runs down my spine and I close my eyes for just a second taking in a deep breath. It can’t be. It really can’t. My ears are playing tricks on me.

“I want to press charges on that crazy cunt! She tried to blind me! I demand you arrest her right now!” I look over to the uni who’s standing next to the suspect. Since he’s under arrest a uniformed officer will be with him on the way to the hospital. I notice the rookie trying not to show his smile at this idiot and is shaking his head.

“Just fucking try it you bastard. Everyone saw what happened. If you had just taken your money and run there wouldn’t have been a problem but no, you had to be Mr. Tough Guy and beat up an old man. You’re lucky all I did was hit you in the eye, you piece of shit!”

At that, the man on the gurney attempts to leap up and hurl his body across the parking lot, but besides being handcuffed, he’s also being held down by several paramedics that are trying to strap him down. “You fat fucking bitch!”

Anger surges through me because, even though I haven’t looked in her direction yet, I know instinctively that the woman he’s screaming at is Bianca. Every single cell in my body can feelher presence. If he thinks he can get away with calling her that, he’s got another thing coming. I take a step towards him when I hear shrieks come from my left.

“Do you want me to finish the job, you piece of trash? Let me go! I’m going to take out his other eye!” Stealing myself, I take a deep breath and turn towards her voice where I see something I never could have anticipated in my wildest dreams. Right there in the middle of a group of three uniformed officers is my Bianca. Eyes blazing, hair a mess covering her face, and a shoe held over her head like she’s about to strike out with it.

The three officers are having a hell of a time holding her back and I can’t take my eyes off her. She looks beautiful and wild. Her golden dress has hiked up so it’s barely covering her ass and pussy, the shoulder has been wrenched down exposing half her upper arm and consequently, it looks like one of her tits is about to fall out of the low scoop of her neckline. One wrong move and she’ll be flashing everyone here. Her eyes are full of fire and I can see her chest rising up and down in deep, heaving breaths. Whether those breaths are trying to get herself under control or setting her up to make a run at the man yelling at her, I don’t know.

I instinctively move towards her because I don’t fucking like all these men with their hands all over her, even if it does appear to be necessary from the way she’s trying to break free of them. She’s a hellcat right now and she’s going to get herself into real trouble if she doesn’t calm down.

Bianca and the man currently getting loaded into the ambulance are still trading insults and before I can get to her I see the arm holding one of her high heels rear back. Time slows down as her body tenses and her right shoulder and arm catapult forward. She releases the shoe and it goes sailing into the air, tumbling over and over again, headed straight for me. I’m so stunned I don’t even bother moving and before I knowit, the golden strappy contraption hits me square in the middle of the chest. I let out a littleoofsound though it didn’t hurt. I’m more surprised than anything else. Bianca’s eyes are wide, focusing in on me, finally catching sight of me for the first time.

“Ma’am, you’re under arrest for assaulting a police officer,” I hear one of the unis say as he pulls out a pair of handcuffs. I wince because I know she hates being called ma’am.

Bianca looks pissed.

“Don’t call me ma’am! And I’m sorry, okay? I wasn’t aiming for him I swear. I was trying to hit that asshole who wouldn’t keep his mouth shut.” As she’s speaking, she starts to look progressively more panicked as her arm gets pulled behind her back. I’ve never seen her look so nervous or lost. I don’t like it one fucking bit.

I jog over to Bianca and the group of officers just as the tall brutish looking one snaps the first handcuff on her wrist. She’s not resisting at all and looks like she might be in a bit of shock.

“Back the fuck off,” I shout as I’m approaching the small group. The three men stop what they’re doing and stare at me. “Officers, there’s no need for that.” The tall one still has his hands on Bianca and I have the sudden urge to rip them from his body. Trying to reign in the urge I glance at is nametag. “Officer Berger, go ahead and release her.”

He looks confused for a second, like there’s no reason on earth why I would want to let her go. Even if I didn’t know her, she shouldn’t be arrested. She threw a fucking shoe that hit me, rather lightly, in the chest. It was obvious she wasn’t even aiming for me. It’s not a big deal. I’d rather find out what the hell else happened here tonight. Bianca may be a spitfire but this is over the top, even for her.

“Officer!” I bark when he doesn’t move fast enough for me. He quickly undoes the cuff that’s already on her wrist and Bianca just stands there looking a little lost. It’s then I noticealmost every man in the immediate vicinity is checking out the disheveled state of her dress.

“Bianca, come here,” I practically growl. She looks a little nervous but manages to push back her shoulders and strut over to me with the dignity of a queen, even with her bare feet, and one shoe still held in her hand. I would smile if I wasn’t so annoyed at those fucking idiots eying her ass.

She’s about to bend down and pick up the other shoe that’s harmlessly laying next to me on the ground. “No.” I say through clenched teeth. Instead of letting her bend over and flash everyone in the damn parking lot, I pick up the shoe and hand it to her before shucking off my jacket and pulling it around her shoulders.

“Come with me,” I snap at her. I know it’s not her fault I’m on edge, but I need to get her tucked away so I can figure out what the fuck is going on. I spot Rafe over by the entrance talking to another uniformed officer, seemingly unaware of the scuffle that just took place. How he missed that entire spectacle, I don’t know.

I take her elbow in my hand and start leading her over to our car that’s pulled across the entrance of the lot, blocking traffic from coming in or out.

“Carson?” She asks in a low voice. I know what the question means. She wants to know if she’s in trouble. And since I don’t know the answer to that right now, I don’t bother answering.

When we reach the car, I pull open the back door and take a breath, trying to calm myself down so I don’t snap at her again. “Bianca, I want you to sit in this car. Don’t move until I come and get you.”

“But I was just—”

“Stop,” I say with a weary sigh. I reach up and rub the bridge of my nose. “I don’t want to hear it right now. Just let me do my job and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

A second ago she looked shocked and scared but now she’s back to having fire in her eyes and looks like she’s about to start arguing with me. It’s almost enough to make me laugh. Almost.

“Stay here and don’t say a word to anybody but me, you got it?” I stare into her eyes desperately trying to convey how serious I am. After a moment she seems to get it.

She lets out ahumphsound and mutters “Fine,” before lowering herself into the back seat. I firmly close the door, caging her in, happy the back doors don’t open from the inside.

I head over to Rafe who is jotting some notes down on the small pad he keeps in his pocket. “Hey man, you got that girl?”

“Yeah, I put her in the back of the car for now until we can figure out what is going on with this shit show.”

Rafe eyes me carefully and glances back to our car before looking back to me. “You know her or something?”