My chest flapped, and my cock swelled beneath the zipper of my jeans. A whine left my throat when I rubbed it against him.

There was a difference between loneliness and being all alone. Loneliness was something to be felt, something that left your chest hollow and made your heart bleed.

I felt it.

Every day.

Body surrounded by hundreds of people, ears filled with thousands of words… I felt the same void since long before I knew what it was.

With Roman, it was different.

I was never all alone, and I certainly wasn’t lonely. Even all the way across the room, when his voice was the only thing that touched me, I felt encased by him.Protected.

I wanted him to take me apart and piece me back together—chisel, chip, and sculpt me into the person I was always supposed to be.


“Daddy, talking sucks. No talking. Touches only.”

“I gotta say, baby bird, I wasn’t expecting you to be so bossy.”

“I like it here. Feels… safe. Warm.”

He made a noise and ran his nose along my throat. “I imagine that’s why you’re speaking. Your words are safe here, and something inside of you knows it. Don’t be alarmed if your throat closes up again.”

I liked counselor daddy.

Counselor daddy wassmart.He had a brain that worked at impossible speeds, and there were concepts that made sense to him that I hadn’t even known existed. He understood my mutism in a way I didn’t, explaining it to me with patience and grace. In an hour or so, the threat of my voice going away again would terrify me, and I’d beg for his help, but right now I just wantedhim.

Roman Hayes.

The man that made the daddy.

I brushed my thumb over his nipple, enjoying the way he shivered under my touch.

“You want to play, baby?”

Oh, God.“Please.”

He pressed a kiss to the base of my throat. “Tell me what you want.”

“Uhm.” I tugged on his nipple, rolling it between my fingers in a needy, nervous gesture. “I’m not… I don’t really know. I’ve never done this before but I sort of want you to… ravish me? Like in a gentle way. Maybe touch my cock but then give me cuddles.”

Daddy smiled against my skin. His lips made a trail over the column of my throat and the curve of my jaw. Long, sure fingers dipped into the curls at the base of my neck, tugging just enough to make me feel it but not hard enough to hurt. Carefully manipulating my head into the position he wanted, our mouths were just inches apart. His breath on my lips made me groan, and I swallowed his words as he spoke them.

“I’ll be rough with you, sweetheart, but only in the most tender way.”

His nails made a noise as he ran them up the denim wrapped around my thighs. My legs shook, heart kicking when he popped the button on my jeans. The sound of my zipper falling was the sexiest thing to ever touch my ears.

“People tried to warn me about you, baby bird. They said you were dangerous.” He licked across my lips. “But did anyone warnyouaboutme?”

Oh, hell.

He could be the devil, and I wouldn’t care.Nope.I’d spread my wings and follow him straight into the flames.

“I’m not built for an uncomplicated life. I like puzzles and questions. Riddles and intricate brains. There’s an instability in me that craves wild, convoluted things. You make me restless, Sebastian. I am so drawn to you, I think I can actually feel myself going insane.”

His hand dipped below my waistband then, his fingers trailing the edges of my cock.