Page 42 of Midnight

I rounded the corner and into the kitchen. Thea was standing at the stove, a cloud of steam around her face. She stirred the pot in front of her, glancing at me with three dozen questions swimming in her eyes. “Everything okay?”

“I’m not allowed to scratch myself or hurt other people.” Silas made a face. “Even if they deserve it.”

“Nobody is going to take me away, Kitten.” I walked less than ten steps across the kitchen and set Silas on one of two stools. “I promise.”

“I believe you, Daddy, but I still want you to shoot the man in the vest.”

Thea dropped her spoon and spun around so fast, she slipped and had to grab the side of the refrigerator to keep from falling on her face. “Absolutely not. Elijah does not need to kill a man, bud.Thisis why I told you to discuss boundaries and expectations.”

“I did.” Silas wrapped his hands in his shirt. “I told him I was a virgin like you said.”

“Ah.” Thea pulled her lips into her mouth, clearing her throat. “That, ah, wasn’t quite what I was referring to, but that’s good too. Communication and all that.”

I swiped my hand across my jaw, smiling into my palm. I didn’t want Silas to think I was laughing at him butfuck;he was adorable. He didn’t tell me so much as he mumbled it against my bare chest this morning while rubbing himself off against my thigh.

“Baby, I think Thea was referring to relationship boundaries.”

“That’s boring. I’d rather have sex. I’ve been watching videos so I’ll know what to do.”

My cock punched my zipper.

Thea made a choked sound. Her cheeks were nearly in flames by the time she turned back around, feigning busy.

“Kitten.” I wanted to fucking kiss him. “I can’t wait to hear about those videos but let’s save the sex talk for when we leave, okay?”


Thea flipped off the burner but kept stirring. The distinct smell of pasta sauce permeated the air, and Silas smiled when he smelled it.

“Can you set the table, please, bud? You’ll have to sit on Elijah’s lap but something tells me you don’t mind.”

“Nope!” His lips smacked together with enthusiasm. He jumped off his stool and slapped his palm against the seat. “Sit, Daddy. I’ll be back.”

I lowered myself onto the seat, watching him prance across the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets as he got what we needed.

“Baby, I see you scratching. Knock it off.”

His shoulders tensed, and he dropped his arms, immediately reaching for a drawer.

“Good bo—”

Thea slapped her palms on the counter in front of me, her voice low. “Is he actually okay?”

I scrubbed at my jaw. “Are you referring to his arms or his jealousy?”

“He asked you toshoota man, Elijah. Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?”

“Not particularly.” I laughed at her expression. “I’ve killed a man for less, Thea, and I’d do it again.”

For Silas?

I’d doanything.

“Look.” My eyes darted to my boy, studying the way his fingers twitched between tasks, as if it pained him not to scratch his arms. “All he has is me and you and that old laptop he keeps beside his bed. Everyone else has disappointed him, mangled him, or judged him. It’s not all that fucking surprising he’d be so feral in his attempt to keep us in his life.”

She toyed with her fingers, scraping at the skin around her nail beds as she considered my words.

“And I don’t fucking love his method of coping. I don’t want my boy clawing off the top layer of his skin every time somebody looks at me too long but can you blame him?”