“Life’s not fair, babygirl. Besides… it’ll just make Friday all the sweeter. I promise,” he says darkly. “I’ll make the wait worth your while.”

My pussy clenches at the thought. I have no doubt that he can make it worth my while. He’s already proven that he’s a beast in the bedroom. I can’t wait to see what it will be like after days of needing each other.

“Okay. I’ll be good.”

“I know you will. Now get some sleep, doll.”

We say our goodbyes, and I put my phone back on the nightstand. Get some sleep. How the heck am I supposed to go back to sleep now? I’m all fired up and ready to go. Finally, I fall into a restless sleep. My dreams all dirty ones of Axel and all the things we could do together.

* * *

“You sound distracted,”Pelar says.

“Sorry, I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“More nightmares?” she asks, concerned.

Part of me wants to lie and say yes because I know the truth will lead to questions that I don’t have the answers to, but I can’t lie to Pelar. I refuse to worry her. She worries enough about me already.

“No, not nightmares. Axel called me after his shift last night.”

“He’s calling you now? That doesn’t sound very casual…”

I let out a frustrated breath. I know she’s just trying to watch out for me. She doesn’t think I’m ready for a relationship beyond something casual. Until I met Axel, I was one hundred percent on board with that line of thinking. After a week of chatting and texting with him, I’m starting to wonder about that.

“We’re just friends…”


“What? We are friends.”

“Friends with spankings and orgasms?” she asks.

I chew my bottom lip because I haven’t told her about the whole sex thing yet. Before I even started talking to guys online, we discussed that I wasn’t looking for a sex partner, just a play partner. I don’t want to admit to her that I already broke that little rule I set for myself. I really don’t want to admit that I’m close to breaking the casual rule too.

Talking with Axel every night after his shifts has shown me he’s a great guy. Anyone would be lucky to have him as a boyfriend. He’s perfect boyfriend material and deserves a great woman. And yet he has decided to take less by being my friend and sometimes daddy. I don’t really understand it.

Moreso, I don’t understand my feelings for him.

“Helllllo, Addy,” Pelar says when I’m silent for too long.

“Sorry, I’m here.”

“What’s going on?” she asks.

“Nothing. It’s just that… I don’t know, Pelar. I really like this guy.” I kick myself for my honesty. She’s going to rip me a new one. I just know it.

“What happened to no feelings? No attachments?”

“Maybe I’m just not casual material,” I say, feeling miserable.

“Then break it off before you get too deep. You need to focus on yourself and Henry. You don’t need the stress of a messy relationship right now.”

What she says is reasonable. She’s right. I don’t need a messy relationship right now and what’s happening with my feelings is definitely messy.

“Maybe you’re right…”

“Girl, I’m always right.”