“Hey, hey, you’re okay,” he says, cupping my cheeks in his hands. “Take a breath, sweetheart.”

I do as he says, trying to calm myself, but it’s not working. I’m having an anxiety attack. Something that hasn’t happened in years.

“Look at me, babygirl. You’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.” I open my eyes and see that he’s staring intently at me, his handsome face showing his worry for me. “There are those beautiful blue eyes. Just keep looking at me. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

My heart beats faster, and this time it’s not from my anxiety. He’s looking at me like he wants to slay all of my dragons. The very idea that he cares so much for me is enough to have me unravel at the seams. I want him to slay those dragons. I want to be his babygirl. I want Jasper Collins to be my daddy.

“That’s it. Just breathe,” he murmurs, pulling me against his hard chest. Covering me with his warmth and support. It’s the best thing I’ve ever felt in my life. It feels like he could protect me from any and everything.

I take a deep breath and then another until my heart is no longer pounding out of my chest. My anxiety recedes, but he doesn’t release me. Which is just fine with me because the last thing I want is to be released. I want to be wrapped up in his arms until the end of time. Screw our fake relationship. I want the real deal with Jasper. I can only hope he’s feeling the same way about me.



Charity’ssoft body pressed to mine has my cock responding in the most inappropriate way. She’s afraid and in the midst of an anxiety attack of some sort, and here I am getting hard just because she’s in my arms. Giving in to this insane attraction last night was a mistake. One that I’m more than happy to repeat again and again.

Keeping her safe should be my top priority but getting inside her seems like the best idea ever.

I shove those thoughts aside. She doesn’t need me perving on her right now. What she needs is her bodyguard. I’m tempted to keep the news that Ransom just gave me to myself. I don’t want her worried, but at the same time, if she were any other client, I would keep them informed every step of the way.

After several long minutes, Charity pulls away from my hold and straightens her stance. She’s putting up her walls again. Making sure she can handle whatever comes next. I’m so proud of how strong she’s being, but at the same time, I wish she could just find solace in my arms. I want to shield her from everything bad in this world and keep her safe from any and all harm.

“Okay. I’m okay,” she says, looking up at me with those big soulful blue eyes of hers. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

I hesitate for a moment still not wanting to scare her. The need to keep things semi-professional wins out. She’s still under the impression that everything between us is fake and that what we have done up to this point is casual. It’ll take time, but I’m determined to make her mine. I went into this not looking for anything beyond a job. Now, I want her and only her.

A lesser man would think it’s his cock talking. I know better. This chemistry between us is something special. Something worth exploring.

“Ransom caught wind of who has been stalking you.”

Her eyes widen. “Who?”

“Dima Sokolov is behind your stalker.”

She shakes her head in denial. “That doesn’t make sense. I felt like I was being watched long before I met Dima…”

“Sweetheart, Dima is a bad man. He’s had his eyes on you for a long time. Rumors on the streets are that he’s made a business deal with your father. One that hinges on you becoming his bride.”

“What?!” she screeches. “That’s not possible. I can’t… I won’t…”

“Shh… calm down… it’s all going to be okay.”

“Calm down! Calm down! You calm down!” Her voice gets louder and more shrill with every word.

“I am calm, sweetheart. You just need to take a deep breath. Remember I’m here to protect you. Nothing and no one is going to harm a hair on your head as long as I’m here.”

“Did my dad really sell me to this… this man?”

I take a deep breath, hating that I’ve got to be the one to tell her the ugly truth. “Yes. Your father is in debt to the Sokolovs. To save his own ass, he’s traded your hand in marriage to Dima.”

“But why? I don’t understand. My father is wealthy. He would have no reason to get in debt with some mobster,” she says, looking more confused than ever.

“That’s what we are trying to find out now. But from the intel we’ve gathered so far, it seems your father has a gambling problem. He’s trading you and your trust fund in exchange for paying off his debt.”

She blinks at me. “If it’s my trust fund they want, they can have it. I haven’t touched a penny of it.”

I pull her into my arms. I love her naivety. She’s so innocent that she just doesn’t understand that the money is inconsequential in this equation. Dima has his eyes set on a bride and won’t be satisfied with mere money.