“No pouting, babygirl.”

“I like kissing you,” I say, feeling a little petulant. I’m not nearly done with his lips—or his cock, for that matter.

He smirks. “I like kissing you too.”

“Then why stop?”

He shakes his head. “You’re insatiable.”

I nod in agreement. Who the hell could be satiable when it comes to the perfection of Jasper? He’s everything I want and more. So much more.

He leans in, giving me one last kiss before stepping away. “Stay right there, sweetheart.”

I let out a sad-sounding sigh at being downgraded back to sweetheart. I much prefer babygirl or little one, but that’s dreamy head-in-the-clouds me, not the reality of fake relationships that have slightly gone off the rails into casual spankings and sex.

Fuck my life.

A few seconds later, Jasper is back with a warm rag and is cleaning me between my legs gently. I don’t even try to hide my blush because I can feel my skin heating from the top of my head straight down to my toes. Has anyone ever taken such good care of me? I mentally shake my head because the answer is a quick and empathetic no.

Even the men I’ve played with in the past haven’t taken the level of care and consideration that he’s taken with me. It’s overwhelming in the best and worst ways. The best because I now know how it can be between us… the worst because now I know how it can be, and it’s all make-believe.

“Thanks,” I murmur as he helps me down from the desk. I shyly get dressed and do my best to straighten my hair and get rid of that fresh fucked look I’m sure I’m sporting.

He pulls me against his chest and tucks a finger under my chin, lifting my face up to his. “Are you okay?”

The sincerity in his tone is enough to cause tears to prickle in the backs of my eyes. Tears that I have zero reason to let fall. This was the equivalent of a one-night stand. Something I’ve had before. Why the hell is this impacting me so much this time around? I don’t need sweet words or gentle concern. I know the score. I also know I’m losing the battle of keeping my feelings out of this fake relationship.

The look on Jasper’s face makes me wonder if maybe he’s losing the battle as well, but as soon as the soft look is there, it’s gone.

“I’m fine. Just fine.”

He gives me a suspicious look but doesn’t call me on my bullshit. We all know that when someone says they are fine they are the furthest thing from fine that there is. That being said, I’m doing my damnedest to be fine.

After he finishes dressing, he leads me back out to his truck, leaving the mess from him tossing all of his stuff off his desktop on the floor where it landed. I can’t help but wonder what the people in his office will think come Monday morning when they see that mess. I blush at the thought.

Thank God I have no reason to ever go back to his office to face anyone who might put two and two together.

The rest of the afternoon is anticlimactic. We go to the grocery store and manage to buy three times the food I normally keep in the house. Apparently Jasper eats like a horse, and since he’s staying with me for the foreseeable future it’s only right that I have everything he needs in the fridge and pantry. It’s the least I can do.

We get to the checkout, and he gently pushes me aside, sliding his own card when the cashier gives the total.

“I don’t need you to buy my groceries,” I growl, trying to sound irritated.

“I know you don’t. But I am.”

I shake my head, exasperated. Then I remember my manners and quietly thank him.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

Another pang hits me at the endearment. It’s nice, but I know how much better it could be.

* * *

Monday morning comes earlierthan I’d like. I tossed and turned all night last night. My body on fire with memories of Jasper’s big cock sliding inside me as he fucked me over his desk. During the bright light of day, I was able to push the thoughts aside, but once the lights went out and I was alone in my room, the memories assaulted me in the worst possible way.

My pussy became hot and slick, wanting more of what he can give me. I stroked myself to orgasm twice, but it was a poor substitute for what Jasper could do. It left me feeling empty and unfulfilled.

I don’t say a word to him when I enter the kitchen and pop a pod in the coffee machine. It quickly brews a cup of delicious caffeine, and I take a sip. I quietly drink my coffee as I make my protein shake.