Ransom packs up the rest of his tools and leaves me sulking in Charity’s living room. What the fuck is wrong with me? I don’t lose my temper, especially not at my friends, and yet here I am flipping out on Ransom over a dinner invitation.

“Dinner is ready,” Charity calls out in her musical voice.

My dick twitches in my pants. How is just hearing her voice is enough to make me hard? Keeping things professional is going to be difficult if I’m in a constant state of arousal around her. I don’t know what it is about this woman, but she’s got me all tied up in knots.

I adjust myself and make my way into the kitchen and to what is undoubtedly going to be the demise of my professional relationship with Charity.



The front door closes,and I know Ransom is gone, and I’m now alone with Jasper. Nervousness fills me from head to toe. I didn’t really think things through when I practically demanded that Jasper be my bodyguard. The attraction that I feel towards him is inconvenient and definitely the farthest thing from professional.

I try to distract myself by plating our food, but it’s such a mindless task that it does no good. Once our plates are ready, I turn to set them on the table. My mouth goes dry as I watch Jasper practically prowl towards me. My heart beats a staccato rhythm in my chest at the hungry look in his eyes. One that I think has little to do with food.

“It smells great in here,” he says, breaking me away from my thoughts.

“Thanks. It’s just a simple pasta with crusty bread.”

“Well, if it’s half as delicious as it looks and smells, I’m in for a real treat.” He takes the plates from my hands and leads the way to the table where I already have the breadbasket and salads sitting.

“Would you like a beer or some wine?” I ask, sucking my bottom lip between my teeth and nibbling at it. My poor lip is getting a lot of abuse tonight.

“Just water, please. I’m working,” he says with a wink.

“Oh yeah,” I stutter. “Makes sense…”

I pour him a glass of water and a healthy glass of wine for myself—a little liquid courage never hurts.

We eat in silence for several minutes, but it doesn’t feel awkward even though it’s fraught with tension on my part, at least. I can’t believe how much chemistry there is between us… Well, I think it’s two-sided. How embarrassing would it be if this was all one-sided?

“This is great,” he says, taking another big bite of pasta.

“Thanks,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat with a blush at his compliment.

“So, what is on your schedule for tomorrow?” he asks.

“Oh, uhm… I just have cheer camp, and I was planning on going on a run. Since it’s summer, things are pretty slow.”

He nods. “That’s doable. Is camp inside or out?”

“Usually on the football field, but if it’s better, we can practice in the gym.”

“Either one should be fine. I highly doubt anyone would make a move on you with so many witnesses during the middle of the day.”

My gut roils at the thought of anyone making a “move” on me at any time of day. Jesus, what kind of danger am I in?

“How do I explain you hanging around everywhere I go?”

I didn’t really think about it before insisting he be my bodyguard and not just watching me from afar. What will people think about me having a man with me twenty-four seven?

His eyes flash with some unknown emotion before he shutters it. Was that possessiveness that I saw? Desire? I wish I knew.

“You can tell the truth that I’m your bodyguard.” He says it as if it’s the simplest of answers. Maybe it would be for most rich people, but I’m just a teacher. No one, not even Darlene, knows about my money. Though, I guess it’ll be pretty hard to hide now that I’ve hired Jasper for full-time protection.

I start chewing on my bottom lip again while I worry about what everyone will think. Jasper reaches across the table and pulls my lip from between my teeth.

“You’re going to make yourself bleed, sweetheart. Tell me what’s got that mind of yours spinning out of control.”