I shrug. “The message has been sent. Whether or not it’s been received is questionable. He’s not one to back down from a fight and I have a feeling he’s just getting started.”

“Watch your back. I’d hate to see you dead for crossing the wrong person.”

I chuckle. “I’d hate to see me dead too. I’ve got this though. Nothing will happen to Charity on my watch. That means I’ve gotta keep a cool head and not get sloppy.”

Ransom shakes his head. “As if you’d ever let something like that happen. You’re the most serious person I know.”

I smirk at that because he’s not wrong. I take my job very seriously and this one, in particular, has me at my best. Charity isn’t just some client. She’s important to me. I internally shake my head at that line of thinking. She’s not important to me, she’s important to Darlene and Colt. The thought feels wrong, but I do my best to convince myself that the reason I’m keeping her safe is because it matters to my best friend.

Fuck me, I’m in trouble.

“Let’s get this system up and running,” I say.

While we work, I notice delicious smells coming from the kitchen where Charity is puttering around. A short time later, Charity walks in and clears her throat nervously.

“Uhm… dinner is almost ready,” she says with a blush.

Ransom smirks at me then turns to Charity. “I appreciate it, darlin’, but I have a shift at The Playground starting soon.”

“Oh,” she murmurs, flicking her eyes back and forth between Ransom and me.

“It smells delicious, princess. We’re almost done here.”

“Okay.” She smiles. “I better go check on the food.”

Ransom stands and wipes his hands on his jeans. “I’m going to leave you to it.”

“Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.”

“Anytime. Keep me in the loop.”

“Will do.”

“Thanks for helping me, Ransom,” Charity says shyly. “Are you sure you can’t stay for dinner?”

“You’re welcome. I wish I could because it smells like a proper home-cooked meal, and it’s been a while, but I really do have to go.”

I look at Ransom in shock. He’s revealed more to Charity in the last thirty seconds than he normally reveals to his closest friends. The man is stoic at best and damn right surly at worst.

“Maybe next time. It’s the least I can do for all your help.”

Jealousy rears its ugly head. I’ve never wanted to punch my friend more than I do right now.

“I might take you up on that.” He tells her, giving me a knowing smirk. The bastard is fucking with me.

Charity gives him another one of her bright smiles and heads into the kitchen to check on dinner.

I shove Ransom’s shoulder as soon as she’s out of sight. “What the fuck was that?”

“What are you talking about?” he growls, straightening.

“You were flirting with her like some desperate fool.”

He laughs. “Don’t worry, man. I don’t have any designs on your woman.”

“She’s not my woman. She’s a client.”

“You keep telling yourself that.”