
Just the thoughtof Ransom staying beside Charity—staying in her home with her—is enough to have my blood boiling. The more time I spend with her, the more my attraction grows. It’s already nearly impossible to keep my eyes off her curvy body. She might not be my usual type, but she’s definitely my type right now when it comes to women.

It’s been way too fucking long since I’ve had a good scene let alone sex. Hell, I can’t even remember the last time I jerked off. This has to be pent-up sexual desire. That’s why I’m responding so strongly to the little minx who has weaseled her way under my skin.

“Ransom, I need to take care of a few things. Will you hang out here with the princess until I get back?”

Charity growls. “Not a princess.”

“Says the lady who just hired a private bodyguard when she might not even need one.” I snap, hating myself for being a dick to her when she’s obviously scared. I can’t help myself though. She’s got me wrapped up tighter than a bowstring.

She pouts but doesn’t say anything in response.

“Sure, man. I’ve got this. I’ll work on installing the new security system while you’re gone.”

“Great. I shouldn’t be long.” As long as Dima Sokolov cooperates, that is. I pick up the box with the dress and invitation that I left by the door. Time to get my point across in whatever way necessary.

I climb into my truck and rev the engine. I dial my old partner again because he’s the only link I have to get more details about Sokolov. At least, quickly. I could do my own research, but in this case, it’s time-sensitive, and I don’t want to waste a second of it.

“To what do I owe a second call so soon?” he answers.

“I need more on Sokolov,” I say without preamble.

“Dude, you need to drop that line. You might be some big bad contract worker these days, but that won’t protect your ass like being on the force did. You’ll just be another victim in a long string of victims we can’t pin down on him.”

“My newest client is Charity Winthrop.” Normally I wouldn’t disclose such a thing, but I need him to understand how serious this situation is.

He whistles through his teeth. “The senator’s estranged daughter?”

“Yes,” I confirm. “It seems she got herself a stalker, and her father thinks Dima Sokolov is her new fiancé.”

“Oh shit, brother. You’re deep in the goddamn weeds with this one.”

“I just need to know where Dima is. I’ve got a package for him.”

“And I can’t talk you out of this?” he asks warily.

“No, but you can make my job easier.”

“It’s your funeral.” He gives me an address downtown. “Don’t get yourself killed,” he says gruffly before disconnecting the call.

I shake my head, knowing that even though his words could be mistaken for sarcasm, they aren’t. He’s genuinely concerned, and rightfully so, I’m about to walk into the lion’s den with zero backup.

I get to the building downtown and shake my head. Of course, his offices would be in the most pretentious building in our city. I walk through the lobby like I own the place, not stopping until I’m in the elevator, riding it to the top floor. It only takes a glance around the open office to know which door is Dima’s.

I walk straight to it without checking in with his secretary. The man has been stalking Charity, and God only knows what else he has planned. He doesn’t deserve any kind of niceties or respect.

His secretary stands and rushes after me with a terrified look on her face. I have a moment of pity for the woman who will surely hear shit from Sokolov over my barging in, but she works for a mobster… zero compassion will be had for her or anyone in this office building.

“You can’t go in there,” she shouts, following me.

I push open the double doors, and Dima looks up from his computer screen with an expressionless glance. He looks from me to his secretary and has pity on the woman whereas I did not. “It’s okay, Yasmine. You may leave us.”

The fearful woman looks between us once before turning on her heel and leaving at a fast clip.

Dima clears his throat, sitting up straighter in his chair. “To what do I owe this surprise visit, Detective Collins?” he says in his deeply accented voice.