Jasper comes inside, raising his brow at the tirade my father is on. He can obviously hear my dad going off on me. “You okay?” he mouths.

I half nod and go back to listening to my father. “Listen, dad. I hear what you’re saying, but it’s insanity. You’re not going to barter me off like some kind of prized pig. This is not the 1800s. I’m not interested in Dima, and it’s not up for discussion.”

“Let’s get real, darling,” he says, taking on that saccharine sweet tone again. “There’s no reason for you to decline. You’re twenty-nine, not exactly a spring chicken. You’re lucky a man like him would be interested in you.”

I sputter, completely offended by his words. It’s one thing to try and barter me for some kind of business deal, but something else entirely to think I need it because I’m too old for anyone to want me.

“This conversation is over. You can tell your friend that I’m not interested.”

“We’ll see,” my dad says intimidatingly before the line goes dead.


I feel the urge to throw my phone against the wall in frustration because I know this isn’t the end of the conversation, not when my dad has his mind set on something. I calmly set my phone down, ignoring the desire to destroy something.

I turn and paste on a smile for my guest. “Sorry about that.”

“You okay?” he asks again, seeing straight through my false smiles and perky tone.

I let out a breath and fall back into one of my kitchen chairs. I flick off the lid on the box containing the gift from Dima and Jasper looks inside. I hand him the card and his brow lowers, anger filling his eyes.

“You’re going out with Dima Sokolov?” he growls.

I shake my head. “No. I’m not. That was what I was arguing with my father about. He’s got it in his head that I will happily throw myself at the man because he’s rich or something crazy like that. He wants to combine our houses or some shit. I don’t know, but I want no part of it.”

The anger leaves his eyes, and he gives me a look that I can’t quite describe.

“That’s ludicrous,” Jasper growls.

I snort a laugh. “That’s what I said. Which didn’t go over well with my father.”

Jasper closes the box and sets it near the front door. “I’ll take care of this.”

I furrow my brow, not understanding what he’s talking about. “Take care of it. What does that mean exactly?”

“It means I’m going to send it back to Sokolov and make it clear that you aren’t interested,” Jasper growls.

“You don’t have to do that…”

“Actually, I do. You don’t know Sokolov like I do. He’s a dangerous man.”

A pang of fear shoots through me at that, though I already knew he was dangerous. Something about the man gave me the creeps, and the fact that twice he’s sent something to my house without my telling him where I live makes me feel unsafe. The fear must show on my face because Jasper takes my hand in his and squeezes.

“You don’t have to be afraid. That’s what I’m here for,” he says, giving me a sly smirk.

Instantly I feel better. That might be stupid of me, but I can’t help it. Something about this man makes me feel secure.



Everything I need at this moment.



“I just don’t understandwhy he’s so interested. It doesn’t make any sense,” she says, sounding equal parts flabbergasted and nervous.