“Mmm. I’m perfect right now.”

He kisses the top of my head, and I smile. I might’ve had a gun pointed at my head only a few hours ago, but Jasper takes away all the fear and anxiety from the day. My heart is full of love and respect for the man who took a bullet for me. I run my fingertips over the bruise on his chest, hating that he’s injured.

“Does it hurt?”

“I’m fine. It’s just a bruise.”

“I can’t believe you got shot.”

Jasper’s chuckle rumbles through me. He hugs me that much closer. “It’s not the first time, babygirl.”

I gasp, sitting bolt upright. “It better be the last!”

He looks down at me and smirks. “Trust me, it’s not my favorite thing. But when you’re in my line of work, you deal with bad people.”

My lips purse and I want to argue that he can’t possibly continue to endanger himself like that. Not when he has me to come home to. Before I can open my mouth, our food gets here, and our conversation is dropped… for now.

After I eat way too much, I collapse back onto the sofa rubbing my belly. “I shouldn’t have had that last mini eggroll.”

“You’ve not eaten Chinese food unless you end the meal a little too full.”

I laugh at that. “Yeah, but I think I gave myself a food baby.” I push out my flat stomach and rub it.

He laughs, tickling my sides. “Don’t even try it. You could use a little fattening up.”

I give him a disgruntled look and grumble.

“I’m kidding, love. You’re perfect.”

My cheeks heat at his praise, and I lean in for a kiss. He doesn’t hesitate to meet my lips with his. Our kiss is soft and slow and pure perfection. He pulls me close, and I throw my leg over his thighs, straddling him. His hands land on my hips, our kiss turning heated. Jasper breaks the kiss with a groan.

“Let’s go to bed,” I murmur.

“Are you tired?” he asks, sounding concerned.


He gives me a devilish smirk and carries me off to the bedroom. Where he makes sweet love to me. My heart is so full I might burst with the love I feel for him.

* * *

It’s beena week since I had a gun held to my head. I should probably be traumatized or something, but I’m not. How could I be with a man like Jasper right here taking care of me. He’s been treating me with kid gloves, though. At first, it was what I needed, but now I want my fierce daddy back.

“I can’t believe you went through all that and you’re just now telling me!” Darlene shouts through the phone.

I wince at how upset she sounds. “Sorry, girl. I didn’t want to worry you. Jasper had it handled.”

“And yet you almost ended up married to a mob boss!” she shrieks.

“Calm down,” I say with a roll of my eyes. Thank God I didn’t mention the whole gun to my head part of things. “That’s not my problem right now. That’s in the past.”

“A whole week ago,” she retorts.

I take a deep breath. This is why I didn’t tell Darlene. I knew she’d freak out. But she’s my best friend and I couldn’t keep it all a secret forever.

“Look, I’m fine. Really. Nothing happened. Jasper rode in on his white horse and saved the day.”

“I’m still shocked you ran right into Dima’s hands. What were you thinking?” she asks incredulously.