Page 96 of The Husband Hoax

All that on top of finalizing this charity ball for Alzheimer’s, and I’m officially tapped out, mentally. I do need to find a solution though because this ball is coming up fast, and I’ve already bought Christian a matching tux to wear. He’s going to be my date to that thing whether my family likes it or not.

“Are youstillmoping?” Elle exclaims, looking up over the top of her pink highlighter. “I’ve told you a million times, Christian is crazy about you. Call him.”

And while I one hundred percent trust Elle not to say anything, if she accidentally let it slip that he didn’t walk away, we’d be screwed, and Elle would feel terrible. I don’t trust my family, and my paranoia is growing. If they’d go so far as to threaten my fiancé, who’s to say they wouldn’t plant bugs in my apartment or my car … the only thing I know is safe is my phone. Partly because I always have it on me, but mostly because I had it checked out. Dear God, I’ve become a James Bond movie.

All I know is that we have to keep our relationship secret because the second Gran gets wind that we still plan to marry,she’ll do everything in her power to stop Carlisle. And Idoplan to marry him. We’re just scrambling to work outhow.

“I’ve tried,” I lie. “He’s not taking my calls.” Because as if I’d leave something like that to a phone call. That night, when I realized he’d left because ofthem,I’d gone straight to his house only to find his roommates worried sick and him already gone. Thank fuck for that day by Lake Union and my brain categorizing every little thing he’s ever told me.

“What are you going to do then?”

“I’m going to throw the greatest charity event that Pa deserves, and think about it all later.”

“I think that’s a mis-take,” she sings.

“Consolidate that guestlist,” I sing right back, though I’m not sure if you can call butchering every notesinging. I try to keep the moping to a minimum for the rest of the afternoon. It’s not as though we’ve actually broken up. It only feels that way.

Christian can’t risk the play. I support him on that. But having someone who’s still my fiancé, who I can’t see and touch and spend time with, who I can’t claim for the world, it’storture.

Elle keeps throwing me looks over the table we’re working at and I keep pointedly not noticing her do it. We’re here to work. We’renothere to discuss blindingly vulnerable boys with soft eyes and big hearts.

“I wish I knew what they said to him!” she explodes.

“You’re not going to drop this, are you?”

“No, I’m bloody well not. This isn’t fair on either of you. And sure, I’m not all about the happily-ever-afters and whatever—for me—that doesn’t mean I didn’t believe in it for the two of you. It’s impossible to think otherwise after seeing you together for two point five seconds.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s like he gravitates toward you. Whenever you’re around.”

I only let myself think about that for a second. “Yes, because he’s possibly the most nervous, unconfident person I’ve ever met.”

“He wasn’t unconfident in his show.”

“Yousawhis show?”

She frowns. “OfcourseI saw it. I couldn’t not support my future brother-in-law.”

I slump, feeling like a right shit for not telling her what’s going on. “I legitimately think you might be the greatest sister anyone has ever had.”

“You shouldn’t sound so surprised. It’s also why I absolutely cannot let you give up on him. You can’t keep my wonderful sisterness all to yourself.”

“No, no, keep talking. You’re helping restore my original image of you.”

“And what’s that? I suggest you’re careful with your answer.”

“Ah …” I turn to my phone, pretending to read something ofmuchimportance. “So sorry. I forgot what we were talking about.”

She all but rolls her eyes but when she turns back to what she’s working on, she says, “You best do something about him. Otherwise I will.”

“Just once is it too much to ask that my family not interfere?”

“’Fraid so. But don’t worry, dear brother. I’ll be gentle.”

Chapter 32
