Page 24 of The Husband Hoax

And like the confident fucker he is, Émile’s grip on me tightens as he bounds up the stairs and pulls me after him. “On the count of three.”



I tap theBig-Boned Berthasign beside the front door for luck, then throw the door open. “Three.”

The pair of us hurtle into the house, me taking the lead as I all but drag Émile toward the large staircase and take the stairs two at a time. Movement catches my periphery from the direction of the living area, but I don’t glance that way.

We reach the landing and before I make it to my bedroom, Émile tugs me to a stop by the bathroom door.

“Maybe we should deal with all that first?” he suggests, gesturing to my suit.


Something glints in his eyes. “I’m not very well going to let you shower without me, am I?”

I swear my cheeks heat. That’s not at all what I was expecting, but hell yes, I’m in. “Good point.” I hurl the jacket through my bedroom doorway and nudge Émile toward the bathroom. “I’ll grab us some clothes, go in there and close the door behind you.”

He thankfully doesn’t argue, and by the time I’ve grabbed us both a pair of sweats and a towel, I turn to head back to the bathroom and find my doorway blocked.

“Evening,” Seven says, casually inspecting his nails.

“Ah, hey.”

“Nice night.” Unlike Seven, Xander isn’t trying to cover his excitement. His grin is stretched over his paint-splattered face and he’s bouncing on his toes.

“Can you guys get out of my doorway?”


I pin Seven with a look. “You know why.”

“I thought you weren’t planning on sleeping with DatesforRates.” He finally looks up at me and his eyes fly wide. “What the fudge happened to you?”

“That’s a long story. I’m not going to sleep with DatesforRates”—he opens his mouth to argue, but I talk over him—“because that’s not Jordan. But that’s all I’m explaining, because judging by the sound of the shower that just came on, I have a very sexy, very naked man waiting for me and you’re in my way.”

“Think he’d be okay with a third?” Xander asks.

“First, fuck no. We have thatno sleeping togetherrule for a reason. Second, if you didn’t constantly think you were sick and dying, you’d get out and meet more people and then you probably would have lost your V-card by now.”

Xander sighs. “So it was only heartburnthis time.You never know. It’s not my fault the symptoms are the same as many,manyother things.”

I step toward them. “Move.”

Seven’s lips twitch and he straightens. “Or what?”

“Or I’m not going to tell you what all this is about,” I threaten, waving a hand down my body.


“You want the tea, you better move so I can get tea bagged. I’m a whole lot more chatty when I’ve just gotten off.”

“Fine.” He takes a step back and Xander does the same.

It’s not until I’m at the bathroom door that I call back, “I better not catch anyone listening at this door!”

There really are no boundaries in this house. Sure, most of the time it’s a joke to crowd around the door right as the hookup walks out, but I’ve heard every one of my roommates having sex at one point or another. As a horny dude, it can be pretty hot, but not something I’d ever do on purpose.