Page 14 of The Husband Hoax

“Well, I don’t think a bossy streak and some light spanking is all that kinky these days, do you?”

“Yeah, I guess not.”

I squeeze his hand tighter this time.


And while I’m proud of how easily he’s taken to my strategy, unfortunately for him, he manages to get those words out far too loudly, just as we’ve stepped back into the hall inside.

Where a group of people are passing.

One woman throws us a disgusted look, while two others come to a complete stop.

I can feel the tension rolling from Christian without even needing to look at him. If that’s the worst that happens today, this is going to be easy.

“See? Next time you’ll listen to me. Itoldyou there were no kinks in your jacket.” Then I turn a pleasant smile on the suddenly awkward-looking people around us. “Here for the wedding? Us too. We were told it’s this way, follow me.”

Then I take off at a march, dragging Christian along behind me. Whether they believe my cover story or not doesn’t worry me. The worry comes entirely from the fact that if a tiny mistake like that can have Christian shutting down, he’s not going to get the comfort from tonight that he’s so clearly craving.

Let’s face it, his shithead parents will never see the error of their ways if they’ve been content to go ten years with no contact, so let’s hope some of his other family members have a heart.

The hallway leads to a large open courtyard where rows of white chairs are lined up either side of a flower petal aisle. There’s a lovely archway on a raised platform that all the seats are facing, and comparing this to the stuffy ceremonies I usually attend, this definitely comes out ahead.

Even if it is for a family of horrible people.

Christian tugs me into the second to last row of chairs. There are already quite a few people here, but none of them appear to have noticed him. While we have some borderline privacy, I lean in and ask, “So whydidyour cousin invite you? This isn’t one of those situations where it was an obligation and she didn’t actually want you to come, is it?”

“Nah, Josie’s cool. She’s …” He scrunches up his face. “Twenty-four now? Anyway, we ran into each other a month or so back, and she kinda insisted. Said the family had to wake up and get over it.”

“And yet she still invited them all.”

His lips turn down, and I immediately regret bringing it up. If she’s his only family support, I should respect that. I suppose it can’t be easy to do something so blatantly rebellious.

I tilt my lips to his ear. “Tell me, do you think I’m going to be the only one checking out your arse all night?”

His laugh is louder than either of us are prepared for, and when the people a few rows ahead turn around, Christian slaps his hands over his mouth to cut it off.

“Sorry, that was … unexpected.”

“What are you apologizing for?”

“Ah … being loud, I guess.”

“It’s not like it was on purpose.”

“Well then, drawing attention to us, maybe.”

“Is it your fault people can’t mind their own goddamn business?”

An exhale rushes from Christian. “What do you want me to say?”

“Nothing.” I look him over. “Well, youcouldsay you’re planning on checking me out as well. I like compliments too, you know.”

The look he gives me, like he doesn’t know whether to be amused or confused, is adorable. He leans over as the rows in front of and behind us fill up. “Who says I haven’t been already?”

Well, hello. My meek little petal has a spark in him after all.

His eyes hook mine and I almost wish Iwasmeeting him on a dance floor where I’d be able to do something about this building want. But Christian drops my gaze and straightens.