Page 51 of The Husband Hoax

“I’m sorry. Ireallythought it was you, or I never would have—”

I cut him off with a quick kiss. Because I can in public. It’s all keeping up the act and nothing else. No indulging here. I definitely don’t linger for a fraction of a second longer than I mean to.

He’s smiling when I pull back. “I take it I’m not in trouble?”

“Not at all. In fact, I insist that you never change.”

“Couldn’t if I wanted to.”

“I do have one question though. How could you possibly confuse us with that massive stick shoved up Neil’s ass?”

He laughs. “You’re right. No clue how I missed it.”

“Well, after that meeting, you’ll have time to learn. We did it. Congratulations, stranger. You’re stuck with me now.”

His hand ghosts along my side before his fingers thread through mine. And after so short a time, it already feels like they belong there.

“That’s not the threat you think it is.”

Chapter 16


It feels like the afternoon is holding its breath as Émile and I walk, side by side, through Gas Works Park. Gray clouds are gathering out on the horizon, but the sun is still shining here, so families and groups of friends are sitting in clumps all around the grass. The water has started to turn, though, and only a few kayakers and boats are still out there.

We walk past the skeleton of the old gasification plant toward the lookout point, a comfortable silence wrapping around us. After the non-stop atmosphere of the last few weeks, this is exactly what I need.

Well, and a bigger spoon.

I glare at the tiny thing I’m stabbing into my ice cream cup, confused how it’s possible to scoop any more than a drip with this thing. My gaze slides sideways to Émile, and I shamelessly watch as he goes to eat another bite. His tongue darts out to catch the ice cream, lips wrapping sinfully around the spoon before his cheeks hollow out as his Adam’s apple bobs deliciously in his throat.

I curse, accidentally out loud.

“What’s the matter?” Émile asks, his voice holding the same laugh he always seems to be repressing. I’m not sure what he always finds so funny, but I’d like a bit of that. To be able to look at the world and find the humor, instead of being so fucking scared all the time.

I groan, not wanting to tell him the things in my head, but he doesn’t hold back with me. And the more time I spend around him, the more comfortable I am that he’s not about to tell me I’m a loser with no future, or whatever the hell the guys I’ve tried to date have told me in the past. So whatever. I’ll unleash. Not like I’ve been great at keeping things locked up anyway. “I’m still really attracted to you.”

He aboutdieslaughing.

Once he’s calm, the silence settles around us again, only I’m smiling this time.

I stab at my ice cream. Spoon is still too small though.

Émile smirks and steals my spoon away. Then he tips up his cup and sinks his teeth into the ice cream. He comes away with it smeared over his nose.

“Much better, don’t you think?” he asks.

I scrub at his nose with my thumb. “Yep, there goes the attraction.” But I follow his lead and try to eat/pour the ice cream from the cup right into my mouth.

I make a mess.

He makes a mess.

But the grosser and stickier I get, the more my hearts swells.

We reach the lookout and lean against the barrier. There are stickers and graffiti and rust marks all over it, but right ahead, across Lake Union, Seattle stands proudly against the sky.

“There are still so many things that are a mystery about you,” Émile says. “For example, I know you taste delicious covered in frosting, but I have no idea what you taste like covered in icecream.” Something lights up in his eyes. “And my cousin now knows what it feels like to have you grab his arse in public, but you’ve only ever done it to me naked. As your fiancé, I should know these things about the man I’m going to marry.”