Page 100 of The Husband Hoax

Xander pouts. “I want to be a groomsman.”

“No good, Émile says at least two family members have to be there to witness it. Elle obviously would be, but …” Literally no one else would come. Especially not if we eloped.

“That’s a bullshit rule,” Rush says.

“Probably made exactly to avoid him doing exactly what we’re planning.”

“You just need to blindside them all with it.”

“That’s it.” I sit bolt upright, mentally trying to calculate how long it will take Reece to get Carlisle to sign off. “I’ve had a wonderful,fabulousidea. And I can guarantee every member of your family will be there to witness it.”

Chapter 33


Getting a cryptic call from your partner slash boyfriend slash fiancé person isn’t at all concerning on the day you’re holding an enormous charity fundraiser. All I could get out of him was that Carlisle had signed, Darcy was on board with some write-ups on the show, and that Elle would be by to pick up the tux I’d had made specifically for him to wear tonight.

And yet he still isn’t here.

Half an hour late.

There’s definitely nothing. At all. To worry about.

I let out a hollow laugh to ease the tension building in my chest and down the rest of my champagne. There are a lot of people here tonight, which is amazing for the charity and sure to bring in alotof money for Alzheimer’s research, but it means when Christian shows up, there’s more potential for a scene.

My parents and Gran won’t be happy. Which I’d care about if I actually gave a shit about their feelings, but after they casually dumped all over mine, they deserve every little bit of humiliation they can take.

“You’ve outdone yourself,” says a familiar voice. Only it’s not the one I want to hear.

I turn to Darcy. “They’re all here for Pa.”

“Perhaps.” He takes a sip from his glass. “But you’re very like him, you know? So maybe they’re here for you too, just a little.”

I have no clue where this is coming from. “What makes you say that?”

“Well, you too, are slightly odd.” He softens his words with a smile. “You’re always off traveling, have time for people, stand by your family … even when you probably shouldn’t.”

“I shouldn’t?”

Darcy’s jaw tightens, and he casts his gaze around the room. “I’ve been in contact with your fiancé.”

My eyebrows almost fly from my face. “What?”

“Very clever, charming man. I understand what you see in him.”

I blink at him. “Wait.MyChristian?”

Darcy throws his head back and laughs. “I like you a whole lot more when I know I’m not going to be forced into being your husband.”

“Then …”

Darcy leans in, stormy eyes pinned on me. “He told me. Well, he and Elle. About what they said to him and how they tried to bring my name into disrepute by doing so …” Darcy clears his throat. “My point is, I have the story, and unless they play nice, I’m going to run it. With your consent, of course.”

“And if I don’t?”

Darcy shrugs. “Then it doesn’t see the light of day. It’s merely a, uh,contingency.”

I’m clueless with what’s happening here. “You’d willingly publish something like that? Villainizing them?”