The four of us had shared lunch. Eleanor and Jess had chattered while Cal and I caught up on things I’d missed with Sinclair and Sinclair Group.

Jess fell asleep first, her eyes suddenly closing mid-dessert and my endurance broke not long after. I clung to lucidity long enough to say goodbye to Cal as he bundled Jess into the ATV to drive her back to his villa, and managed to kiss Eleanor before I was placed onto my back in my cursed bed.

As I fell asleep, I made a vow that the moment I’d returned to full capacity, I would sleep somewhere different every night. I would build a fucking tree house if it meant I never had to spend another moment in a bed that’d become such a shackle.

Despite my frustration at my body’s slow recovery, each day brought accomplishments. Which meant, each day Eleanor owed me a sexual favour or two.

Eleanor busied herself in the kitchen, making us a lychee juice with lots of crushed ice. Dusk had fallen and the trees were alive with roosting birds all singing and squabbling for the best branches. Nirvana sparkled as the sky set fire to daylight and smouldered into twilight, leaving streaks of amethyst to bleed into black.

Humidity and island heat had been extra cloying today, and I was desperate for a fucking swim. Not that I could request that, seeing as Eleanor had sent the doctors away and it was just us. No way would I put her in the position of helping me if I fell asleep while swimming and tried to drown.

Carrying the drinks to me, she ducked under the mosquito net and hopped onto the mattress before falling into a lotus pose beside me. “Here.”

“Thanks.” I took the glass and sipped the fragrant sugar, enjoying the delicious texture of ice hitting my tongue. Taking a few shards into my mouth, I crunched them before placing the glass on the side table and scooting higher up the pillows.

My legs splayed a little, obeying my command to move.

At least I had my faculties back. I could move each extremity, even if I didn’t have the stamina to stand quite yet.

“You know…I achieved two things today that are worthy of sexual favours.”

Her eyes swooped to mine, her eyelashes framing grey smoky depths, her lips pink from the chilliness of her drink. “Oh, really?” Her cheeks flushed as she wrapped her fingers around her dew-dripping glass. “What talents did you regain?”

I scratched at my five o’clock shadow, catching Pika’s aerial acrobatics as he and Skittles darted in from outside, ready to find their own perch for the night after gallivanting around the island all day. “What will you give me?”

She grinned. “Depends how impressive the achievements are.”

“I bent both my legs and can touch my toes.”

She sipped her drink. “Fancy.” Her gaze twinkled with sarcasm.

I growled under my breath, “I’ll have you know that took effort.”

“I have no doubt it did.” She laughed softly.

“I don’t think you’re taking my successes seriously enough.” I reached for her breast, only grazing the delicious weight before she moved out of my reach, her yellow sundress hiding her stunning figure. “Come here and let me celebrate.”

“I don’t know if that counts.” She placed her drink on the opposite side table before coming close again and kneeling beside me. “I thought you said you’d be inside me within a week.”

“Come here and I’ll happily oblige.”

“Do something worthy and I might consider it.” She ran her finger down the neckline of her dress, dipping into her humidity-damp cleavage. “I’m dying a very slow death not being allowed to touch you.”

Lust sprang from containable to maddening. “You are allowed to touch me. Wherever you fucking want.”

“I can’t.”

“You can. You have all the power here.” I leaned forward, trying to snatch her. “Come here and we can be cured together.”

She ran her fingertip around her nipple, making it tighten beneath her dress. “I can’t because I made a promise to myself.”

“What promise?” I grew painfully hard. Too hard. I hadn’t had a release since Geneva and living with Eleanor was daily torment. I couldn’t tear my eyes off her hand or stop my fingers from wrapping around my aching cock.

“When we next sleep together…it will be our wedding night.”

“What?” I laughed harshly, but it came out more like a snarl. “That’s the same day I can walk unassisted.”

“Exactly. Biggest achievement equals biggest reward.” She dropped her hand, growing serious, changing the tingling thirsty tone between us. “In all honesty, I’m afraid of sleeping with you.”

I froze. My hand fell away, and our eyes locked. “Why would you—” I cut myself off, understanding her point of view. “Last time we fucked, I suffered cardiac failure.”

She bit her lip, nodding once. “I know the likelihood of that happening, now that you’re healing and healthy, are slim, but…” Her eyes darkened with doubts. “I love you too much to risk losing you. If it means a few weeks of painful celibacy, then…”