“It will take you eight weeks minimum to walk again, let alone have the stamina to enjoy intercourse.”

“I’ll be walking in seven days.”

“Yeah, okay.” Louise didn’t roll her eyes this time but her tone gave all the sarcasm she needed. “If you do, you will literally be classified as a miracle in the medical world. Even people in a coma for ten days take weeks to be rehabilitated. You were out for a lot longer.”

Sully’s jaw clenched and pure determination glittered in his threatening stare. His chest etched with stark muscles as he gathered every shred of strength and eased a few inches off his pillow. His arms even moved a little, struggling to wedge onto his elbows only to slip away as he collapsed. “Tell me I can’t do something and it only makes me prove otherwise.”

Louise cocked her head. “I’m impressed.” Moving closer to his bedside, she gave me a quick smile before slipping into professional mode. “What else can you move? Are you aware of your bodily functions? Do you feel the pressure of your bladder? What about any irregular electrical impulses in your limbs? Are your muscles contracted or at ease? Does sound bother you? What about your sight? Restored to full ability or hazy?”

Even my ears rang with her questions but Sully seemed to be evolving from a man who could barely talk into a quick-witted, vastly intelligent scientist who I had no doubt would prove her diagnosis completely incorrect.

He would walk well before two months had passed.

And when he does…he’s marrying me.

“I can wriggle my toes. I am aware of my bodily functions. I want that damn catheter out and something to eat. I have a twitch in my left calf that won’t stop and my right shoulder blade has a stitch. I can hear perfectly fine so would appreciate you keep your volume appropriate and I can see 20/20. Anymore questions?” He smirked, looking far too smug and entirely delicious.

He seemed so alive.


How could he return so him when only an hour ago he’d still been a silent stranger sleeping beside me?

Louise returned his smile. “I’m glad you seem on the mend, Mr. Sinclair.”

“I appreciate your care, Ms…”

“Maldon.” Louise bent and touched his hand in official greeting. “Louise Maldon.”

Sully nodded before looking me up and down. “I’ve answered your questions, now answer mine. Is Eleanor okay?”

“Me?” I frowned. “Why on earth wouldn’t I be okay?”

Sully’s gaze darkened to a self-condemning navy. “Let’s count the ways. Last time I saw you, you were fighting off my brother. Before that you were fighting exhaustion from elixir. And before that you were fighting off your own heart attack while I tried to get us off this goddamn island.”

“Wrong.” I sniffed. “Last time you saw me, I’d just been on your lap and you had the audacity to die on me.”

“Don’t change the subject, Jinx.” He glared at Louise. “Is she okay? Did I hurt her? Did Drake hurt her? Is there any long term damage?”

Louise glanced at me warily, most likely wondering what sort of messed up relationship we shared. Slowly, she answered, “Eleanor is made of strong stuff, Mr. Sinclair. She has spent every night by your side. She’s stayed steadfast and hopeful and has been an asset to my team assisting in your care.” Louise looked at Sully, spilling my secrets. “Her shock when you suffered tachyarrhythmia unbalanced her a bit and depression had set in with your prolonged state but…she’s resilient and it won’t cause lasting effects. Not now you’re awake.”

I scowled, wishing she hadn’t passed on my own flaws and maladies. Knowing Sully, he’d hyper focus on my emotional well-being as well as my physical. He’d take on more guilt. He’d do his best to look after me when it was him that needed looking after.

I dared meet his vicious stare. He might no longer have goddesses in his control or sleazy guests to entertain but he was still a man used to power and obedience. “I’m fine, Sully. Don’t make this about me—”

“It’s because of you that I’m alive.”

“And it’s because of you that I’m alive.”

“It’s because of me that all of this happened.”

“How are his legs?” I asked Louise, changing the subject, not ready to have a squabble in front of her. It seemed the longer Sully was awake, the more energy he had to expend. I understood the feeling. Every second that ticked past, I grew itchy. The desire to run and dance and swim hadn’t left but now it’d morphed to more sexual desires. I wanted to be close to him. I wanted heat and wetness and every dominant, aggressive lust that drove us mad for each other.

Abstinence was going to be the hardest thing.

Celibacy when both our bodies hungered for touch and reaffirmation that we were alive would be yet another painful battle.