The room swam, black spots appeared on my vision.

I clung to awareness, forcing words through fumbling lips. “You brought me back from death, Jinx. You fought for me, and you own me in every fucking way. I know I don’t deserve you, and that I’ve done unforgivable things—things that you’ve wiped clean for me. I adore you in every fucking way a man should love his woman, but I’m warning you, if you don’t marry me, then the contract between us will be reinstated.”

I grew lightheaded and sick. The beeping of my racing heart on the monitor grated on my temper. “You will remain shere as my prisoner because if you shink you can put yourself in danger for me. That you can shtand by my side even while I hurt you, drug you, and die on you…well, you don’t shknow me well at all.”

Her finger pressed against my lips. “Hush, Sully, you’re slurring. You’re tired. I’m going to get Louise—”

I bit her finger.

I sucked it into my mouth.

I convulsed with the pain of needing her and the pain in my cock from being so hard.

I needed her to agree. To say yes, she would be my wife because I couldn’t survive with any other alternative. I couldn’t fade again and not know she belonged to me body, heart, and soul.

But I never heard her answer.

I’d reached my limit.

My eyes rolled back.

I couldn’t hold on to consciousness anymore.

I slipped.

But this time, I didn’t slip into darkness.

I slipped into dreams where I was free to touch her, kiss her, fuck her, and get on one knee to make her my wife.

Chapter Thirty-Six


I flew to my feet.

Dread galloped through my bloodstream. Panic that he’d fallen into a coma all over again ran rampant in my mind.


He needs a damn doctor.


Spinning around, I bolted toward the front door. If I was lucky, I could sprint to my old villa on the beach and grab Louise. If she was fit enough, we could run and be back here in fifteen/twenty minutes?

Too long!

God, why did I send them away?

Pika and Skittles took off, flying in front of me just as I reached the front door.

I ripped it open.

And smashed into Louise who ran in the opposite direction. Our bodies collided, our hands swooping upward to push against shoulders and boobs in our attempt not to fall on our asses.

Tripping backward, she grabbed my arms for support, her skin flushed with sweat, her legs covered in sand from running. She wore a simple purple dress that I recognised from the wardrobe that was fully stocked for a goddess.

Louise blurted, “Has he died—?”

“You’re here—”

“Is he dead?”

“I was coming to get you—”

“What happened?” She pushed past me just as her two colleagues, Joe and Steph, appeared in the flickering tiki torches, running down the sandy pathway. She didn’t wait for them, barging through the living room and into Sully’s bedroom.

“Tell me what happened.” Marching to his bedside, she grabbed his wrist and checked his pulse, all while glaring at the heart monitor. “I had an alert on my offsite unit. His pulse turned haywire. Did he have another attack like last time?” She assessed his vitals all while I jogged to her side and tried to control my worried breathing.

“You had a way to track him?” I couldn’t take my eyes off Sully’s unnatural stillness.

Don’t you dare die on me now, Sullivan Sinclair. Not after asking me to marry your ass!

“Yes.” She nodded impatiently, still looking at Sully’s pale face and dark beard. “The heart monitor sends data to my phone via an app.” She reset something on the controls, saying, “I came as fast as I could. I’m sorry if you had to deal with anything stressful while I wasn’t here, but you need to tell me what happened so I know how to treat him.”

“He…he woke up.”

“He what?” She spun to face me, Sully’s wrist still in her hand. “Was he coherent? Aware of his surroundings?”

I nodded stupidly. “Coherent and aware.”

She beamed. “That’s fabulous.”

I had two emotions rioting through me.

Sublime joy and utter despair.

Tears I couldn’t control slicked down my cheeks. “He woke up.” I wrapped my arms around myself. “But he crashed only a few minutes later.”

“What was he doing when he passed out?”

I blushed and looked away. “Eh, we kissed and—”

“You kissed?” She threw me a livid glance. “Dammit, Eleanor, you two have got to stop indulging in physical pleasure when his life is on the line.” She rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. “Sex before a heart attack and now a kiss straight after a coma. Jesus.”

I trembled, fighting the highly inappropriate urge to laugh.

She hadn’t meant her scolding to be funny, and there was nothing amusing about this if Sully had woken, used up the last of his strength, and died for good, but for some reason, my panic had turned into a jittery jester determined to make me insane.