Glancing at the heart monitor, my concern faded a little.

The peaks and blips were back to a steady line, perhaps a little faster than normal but strong and sure.

Dr Campbell cleared his throat. “Is this a zoo or a bedroom?”

“It’s both…a symbiotic existence.” I forced a smile and sat up, pushing aside my long hair that I hadn’t bothered to wash or brush in days. “Everything okay? Is Jess alright? What about Skittles?”

That was another thing I found exceedingly hard.

I wanted to go see Skittles so, so badly.

I missed her.

I would’ve given anything to run to the infirmary and tell her I loved her and missed her, but I was under villa arrest, and as much as my body itched for a swim in the sea and my heart begged to see Skittles, I would never leave Sully…under any circumstances.

My patience would be rewarded. My steadfastness would bring him back.

You’ll see.

“Yes, fine. Everyone is healing. In fact…” Dr Campbell disappeared for a moment, returning with a tray and a tiny perch that’d been sticky taped in place. “I have someone who wants to see you.”


I leaped off the bed, only to freeze.

The tiny caique went crazy. Her twirls and chirps broke my heart as I backed up and rested my fingertips on Sully’s arm.

I was unbelievably happy to see her but absolutely terrified of losing Sully.

I can’t let go.

Dr Campbell saw my pain. Marching toward me, he held out Skittles on her tray. Her little green wing still held a splint and bandage but that didn’t stop her from trying to flap and fly to my finger.

I shivered in pure delight as I held out my hand and Skittles immediately hopped onto me, her talons wrapping tight around me almost like an avian version of a hug.

“Hey, tiny bird.” I brought her to my lips, kissing the top of her feathered head. “You’re looking better.”

She puffed up and launched into a happy song complete with squawks and cackles, a serenade interrupted with scolding.

I laughed and looked at Dr Campbell. “Thanks for bringing her. Can she stay here? I’ll look after her.”

“Of course. I figured you missed her and aren’t exactly in the position to leave your needy patient.” He looked at Sully. He seemed whiter than usual. His island tan had faded a few days ago, but now his skin was almost translucent.

Icy worry dripped down my spine.

He frowned. “Is he well?”

I licked my lips, panic a common sensation in my chest, billowing out of control. “I…I don’t know. His heart has been spiking. I thought he might be waking up so I was talking to him.”

“What did you say?”

“Just about how we met and that I love him and can’t wait to share life with him again.”

“Huh.” Dr Campbell sat down on the edge of the bed just as Pika swooped in.

My shoulders slouched in relief as the crazed parrot tore around the room at warp speed, his squeaks and caws so at odds with Skittles’s scolding song. He sounded positively pissed off. His wings snapped with annoyance. His black eyes gleamed with rage.

“Where have you been?” I asked as the parrot tucked in his wings and dive-bombed Sully. He jerked them out at the last second, halting his arrow and plopping onto Sully’s chest.

He hadn’t visited Sully once.

I hadn’t seen him since the beach when we first arrived, and I’d been at a loss as to how to bring him home. Sully needed his feathered friend. He needed something else to cling to, besides me.

But I couldn’t explain to a bird that Sully wasn’t ignoring him intentionally. That he didn’t want to be this silent and still.

“Pika…” I went to Sully’s head while Dr Campbell took Sully’s wrist and counted his pulse. Worry clouded his elderly face.

Unable to fret about yet more things I couldn’t control, I focused on helping Pika first. “He still loves you, Pika. He…just can’t wake up right now.”

“Lazy! Lazy! LAZY!” Pika stomped around, his little legs soaring up and slapping down on Sully’s chest. “Sully. Pika. Hungry. Tired. Now, now. Lazy!”

The spew of English made no sense. The poor bird chaotic with confusion.

Skittles slouched on my finger, eyeing up her broken-hearted brother. She squeaked softly, ripping Pika’s beady-eyed attention to her. He let out a cry so full of hurt he even made Dr Campbell suck in a breath.

And then his tyranny began anew, hopping onto Sully’s cheek and scratching at the thick beard that hid his face. “Lazy!”

“Pika…it’s okay.” I tried to grab him, but he skipped to Sully’s left eye and pecked at his eyelashes. “Hey, don’t do that.”

Pika took wing, fluttering like a mad Ping-Pong ball around the rafters. He continued to squeak and chatter, his speed turning him into a blur.

“Slow down. You’re going to hurt yourself!” I cringed each time he went too close to the wall. The sugar glider scurried from its snoozing spot, swatting at Pika as he rudely interrupted his nap.