I gave up.

I gave in.

I crumpled in his arms, totally at his mercy.

He felt my acquiescence straight away, gathering me tight and suckling hard on my breast. He laved and bit, tugging on invisible strings connected to my heart and core.

He’d been given my permission.

But he remembered he wasn’t a gentleman who needed submission but a monster who took what he wanted, and he switched from sensual to primal, pulling deeper on my nipple, sucking blood to the tip, making my pussy clench with hunger.

I bowed in his arms.

He was killing me.

Killing us.

“I love you so much, Eleanor, so fucking much. I need you to remember that. Remember me.”

I stayed quiet.

I choked on my tears.

I allowed my awful suspicions to sweep me into pain all while he granted me pleasure.

He didn’t have the strength for this.

I wouldn’t survive whatever waited for us at the end.

But I wouldn’t stop him.

He wanted me.

He would have me.


Three of his fingers speared inside me.

“Oh, God.” I clung to his head, all while his teeth sank into my shoulder and his chest thudded with peculiar beats. He held me as if he used up every remaining bit of strength to stay with me. His fingers bruised me. His lust scorched me. He drove his fingers deeper, stretching me, corrupting me, making me ready to fuck.

His thumb pressed against my clit, conjuring an unwilling release, proving once again he was the maestro and I was his silly conquest, a sheep bowing to the wolf.

I didn’t let the orgasm shatter me. Not yet. I was afraid of it. Afraid of what it represented and the end it promised to deliver.

“Sit on me.” His fingers withdrew, and his cock replaced them. His hands clamped onto my hips, pushing me down, down, down his impressive girth.

My lips parted on a silent scream.

His groan echoed in the silent room.

Our bodies rejected the pressure, overwhelmed with the suddenness, the sweetness, the savageness.

I shuddered as he plunged inside me, filling every space, spreading me to take more. No one else had ever made me feel this consumed, this taken, this owned.

He owned me.

And it hurt because I didn’t think I had that same right. Whatever ownership I’d had over him was fading, and I couldn’t stop it.

Couldn’t stop missing him even as he filled me. Couldn’t stop worrying that this was all I’d ever have.

I clung to him as we sank into each other. Only once we were sheathed tight and together did he look up.

And my heart fucking shattered.

His blue eyes sparkled with wetness.

A wetness that glittered with diamonds as he pushed me up and pulled me back down. Smearing my lubrication over him, reacquainting my body with his hard possession.

His jaw clenched as he felt my every ridge and ripple.

His hips drove upward, followed by a full-body spasm and heavy groan. His heart went haywire, shaking his body with peculiar pulses.

“Sully!” I tried to climb off him.

His lips pulled back in a snarl. “Don’t. You’re mine. I’m having you.” He shook his head as if struggling to stay coherent. Pain chiselled his face until each stark angle looked like blades. He coughed, his voice less violent than before. “Move for me…please.”

Such a profound perforating request.

“Move. Fuck me, Jinx.” He kissed me, our eyes wide open and so close. Understanding rife between us but words too afraid to make it true.

It’s not my heart in trouble this time…it’s his.


His hips rose again, making him tremble and almost black out.

“Stop.” Suffocating on silent sobs, I placed my hands on his scorching shoulders and pushed away. “Please, stop.”

“I can’t.” He gathered me closer and sighed heavily, his messy bronze-tipped hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. His head tipped as he looked at where we joined. He bit his bottom lip as he watched the graphic impalement of his flesh within mine. “Make love to me, Eleanor.”

Tears rained down my cheeks as I followed his stare and looked at where we were linked.

I witnessed the raw and fundamentally basic connection between lovers.

The glisten of me and the steel of him.

And I did what he requested.

I moved.

I didn’t have the strength not to.

We never looked away from our joining. Of the heavy veins of his erection as I slid up, and the spreading of my folds as I sank low.

It was hypnotic, entrancing—doing its best to trick us that this was ordinary sex between ordinary people when really…it was rife with unsaid, unmentionable things.

His hands caressed my breasts as I settled on a rhythm.

Deep and drawing, a rocking that confirmed ownership over each other.

We lost ourselves to the beat. Our lips sought each other’s, and we kissed and fucked and made love and promised and vowed and fought every farewell and miserable goodbye.

The bed creaked as my pace grew faster.

His breath scalded my cheek as his nostrils flared, kissing me deeper.