


My lips spread wide as I contorted on the forest floor. My first orgasm bowled through me without permission. Sharp and savage, intense and instant.

My inner muscles clenched, rippling with heaven.


Elixir bypassed my mental refusals, hijacking my sight, my breath, my everything.

I came apart, humping my hand like a wild animal all while Drake caught up to me. If he landed beside me. If he touched me in my current position, I wouldn’t survive what would happen.

I wouldn’t be able to sleep with him and stay mentally intact.

I wouldn’t be able to stay me.


Launching to my feet, the echoes of my release still clenching my belly, I tripped and scurried deeper into the forest.

“Hey, get your ass back here!” Drake yelled.

I ran toward the tree-studded horizon.

My breasts bounced with tingles and desire.

My naked skin kissed by breezes and flower petals.

I kept running even as the world became a sinful playground to indulge in.

Elixir turned my vision red with lusty haze.

I gasped for a different type of exercise.


God, sex.



I ran faster.

I focused on the horizon.

So close.

So near.

Too far.

A crack and a whir. A gust of power and oddness.

And the horizon vanished, spitting me out at the campsite, its fire still crackling as if I’d never left.

A reboot.

A portal that offered a sweeping vista but ended so suddenly and transported me back to the heart of the fantasy.



Drake suddenly appeared beside me, his shock matching mine as we stood panting by the fire.


How did this labyrinth work?

How could you escape somewhere that didn’t exist?

How did you find an exit when all exits led back to the beginning?

No…this can’t be happening.

I hugged myself.

My skin rejoiced.

The urge to drop my touch lower crippled me.

I hated this.

Hated it!

There has to be a way out.

There has to be!

But there wasn’t. No way to run out of this nightmare. No way to swim or climb or bolt. No way to stop my descent into a horny, helpless hologram.

Tears stung and slipped down my cheeks.

I’d hoped…


“Oh, God.” I jack-knifed forward as elixir turned vicious in its hunger. One release was not enough. It was just the start.


Do it.

Finger yourself.

Fuck him.

Do it!

I balled my fists into my belly, pleading with my nasty thirst not to do this. Not to hurt me like this. Not to kill me like this.

“Stop it!” I screeched. I wanted to slap myself. Drown myself. Throw myself into the fire if it would stop the curse in my blood.

“I’ll help.” Drake put his hands on me. “I’ll fuck you like you need.”

I crumpled.

I shivered.

Fire and need.

Ice and dread.

He manhandled me until his arms locked tight, his body pressed close, and his lips tried to kiss me.

I was two people in one.

A nightmare and a dream.

Heaven and hell.

I ducked his kiss.

I embraced coherency and slapped him. “Get off me.”

“Fuck, you’re—”

“Stop!” I kneed him in the balls; my strike only grazed him, but he dropped me instantly.

I ran.

His hand caught my wrist, yanking me back.

Another wave of hot, horrid elixir made me keel over. I fought myself all while trying to fight him.

“Stop trying to run. You’re supposed to want this.” He tried to kiss me again.

I raked my nails down his cheek.

“Come here,” he grunted, keeping his hips away from mine in case I kneed him again. “Why isn’t elixir working?”

We grappled and fought, grotesque lust swarming, his paws tearing at my calfskin clothing, his pants coming undone in our struggles.

“Beg me,” he barked. “Beg me to fuck you.”



We fell to the ground, still fighting.

He pinned me on my back, still battling.

“Gotcha.” He dragged his tongue up my neck.

Elixir was a heinous master.

I almost came.

“Fuck you!” I tried kneeing him in the balls again as he slithered on top of me, his hands shoving my hand-crafted trousers down, his hips angling to mount.

For a mortifying second, I contemplated giving in.

Sully was most likely dead.

I would be too if I didn’t buckle beneath elixir.

Drake would kill me—I had no doubt about that—but perhaps not today, not now, not here.

If I allowed him to use me, wasn’t that me using him? Wasn’t I the one high? The one who needed this?

But as his mouth clamped onto mine and the tip of his cock found my entrance, I couldn’t do it.

I chose death by cardiac arrest.

I choose Sully!

I went wild.

I scratched and clawed.

I squirmed and kicked.

I twisted every bone and contorted every muscle, making him curse and growl above me.

Dirt coated us, scents of earth and fallen leaves, the heat of the fire beside us.

We fought for a minute or maybe a second, but for all my pride and ferocity, he managed to slam my hands above my head, managed to splay my legs with his, managed to grind his cock against my pussy.

Tears spilled faster.

Rage knotted with need, and lust tangled with terror.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

This was it.