The two mercenaries watched from their posts by the doors.

Yet another experience where men watched me get fucked.

The only problem was…I would rather I put on any kind of show for them if only they’d kill Drake so he stopped touching me.

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to have a brother who’s such a fucking reject? A vegetarian. An animal lover. A cunt who didn’t even like his own species enough to get laid.”

Wiping his hands on his trousers, he grabbed the fingerprint sensors. Staring at the sheet of touch-deception stickers, he rolled his eyes. “We don’t need this one, do we? When you touch me, I want you to know it’s me you’re touching and not him.”

He chuckled again as he threw the sheet away and grabbed the eye lenses. Screwing open the small containers, he loomed over me.

The binds on my wrists bit into me as I struggled to protect myself.

It took everything I had not to bite him as he attempted to drop the lens into my eyes. I squeezed them closed, tilting my head away.

No way would I enable this.

“Bill, come here. You and whatever his name is finish putting those in her eyes.”

The two mercenaries came forward.

There was no squirmish or battle. The older one grabbed me, smearing the oil on my skin as he dug painful fingers into my eye socket and ripped open my eyelid, while the buzz-cut one plopped the lens directly over my pupil in a choreographed move that left me completely at their mercy.


I blinked as the world distorted.

I bit down on a scream as the other lens was inserted.

By the time they let me go and I could see through the haze, Drake stood before me naked. His cock still held redness from being with Jess so many times and his belly held muscles not nearly as defined as Sully’s.

A few odd-shaped scars rested over his hip bones hinting that it wasn’t just his face that’d received plastic surgery. Liposuction was also possible.

He caught me looking, his vain ego preening. “Like my cock, Jinx? It’s the last one you’ll have before you die.”

I raised my bound hands.

Don’t do it.


I held up one finger.

I didn’t speak but my message was clear.



He just chuckled, quickly shoving earbuds in his own ears and lenses over his eyes. “Oh, I plan on fucking you right back, don’t you worry about that.” Dumping handfuls of oil over himself, he applied the nasal deceptor and swirled the mouthwash…wanting the full experience. However, he didn’t bother with the fingerprint sensors…wanting to touch me instead of a fantasy.

“Right then.” He smiled with his head cocked. “I think it’s time we begin our little fuck session, don’t you?” Palming the vial of elixir he’d left out of my reach, he clucked his tongue. “Oh, almost forgot.” Ducking to pick up his trousers on the floor, he pulled free a cell phone.

A phone that was familiar.



He nodded, seeing where my thoughts had strayed. “I found it on the path when we came searching for my wayward brother. Imagine my surprise that the screen was still unlocked, the Euphoria app still open, and all ready to load another fantasy.” He wriggled the screen in front of me, revealing lines of code and a load button.

The app that I’d seen Sully typing into each time before he’d sent me under was a travesty.

If he’s figured out how to use that…

“I’ve been playing with it while you slept from Dubai to Geneva.” He ran his thumb over the screen. “Pretty sure I just press this button and whoever is wearing the sensors is whisked away to play.” He carefully placed the phone onto the couch, too far for me to stomp and smash it.

“One final thing before we leave, though.” His actions slipped into fatal as he uncapped the tiny vial of elixir and stepped into me. “Drink up.”

His thigh went between mine.

His erection wedged against my belly.

Our skin sucked together with oil.

I inhaled deeply, doing my best to fill my lungs with oxygen.

Not again.

Not again!

Dr Campbell said another dose of elixir and I might die.


Drake cupped the back of my head, his fingers digging hard. “Don’t fight. I’ll just hurt you until you swallow.” Yanking my hair, he jerked my spine into an unnatural bow.

Tears sprang to my eyes.

Pain ricocheted down my back.

The vial pressed between my lips.

“No. Don’t. It will stop my heart.” My first words in hours. A beg for my life from the devil.

He shrugged. “Don’t care.” Tipping the fragrant sugary nightmare, he splashed the entire contents onto my tongue.

I went to spit, to vomit, to expel it in any way possible, but he’d learned from Jealousy when she’d fed him elixir to save me. His mouth clamped over mine. Keeping the liquid inside me, his nose pushing hot air against my cheeks.