To: [email protected]

From [email protected]

Subject: A favour


It’s been a while.

I assume that a drug-free life is treating you well. How is your lovely Nila? We are due a catch-up, I believe.

As much as this is a social email, I also have a favour to ask.

It seems I have fallen into the same affliction as you and have the undying need to marry. However, I am lacking the required bondage.

Pika fluttered to my knuckles, balancing on the back of my hand with his tiny talons as I continued to type.

By bondage, I obviously mean a ring.

Due to an unfortunate incident, I had to use your diamonds that were stored here for other purposes.

“As bribery to stop mercenaries from fucking my goddess high on elixir.”

Pika bobbed his head as if he completely understood and could read every typed word on the screen.

I smiled and continued, grateful that my stress from Q was fading.

Can your jewellers fashion an engagement ring and wedding band? Cost is, of course, no object, and I believe a twelve carat flawless stone will suffice with multiple diamonds inlaid on the band. The only request I have is that a feather be incorporated within the design.

“Can’t exactly leave you and Skittles out of the marriage, can I?” I raised my hand and kissed Pika on the back of his head. “You get an honourable mention on the rings.”

He squeaked and head butted my chin, raising on his claws and nibbling at my lips.

“Yeah, you’re welcome.”

Dropping my hand to the keyboard again, I finished,

Is three weeks long enough?

I apologise for the rush, but it seems this hankering to make her mine won’t fade. However, you’re a married man, so I’m sure you understand.

Keep in touch, old friend.

Stay well.


I pressed send just as an email appeared into my account.


With gritted teeth and hate coursing in hot waves through my chest, I opened Q’s reply.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Re: Bonjour

Mr. Sinclair,

I have taken the liberty of looking up the girls whose names are on file.

It seems you are telling the truth.

Eleanor Grace seems to have bewitched you as well as the man who kidnapped her. The very man whose heart I ripped from his chest—while he was still breathing I might add.

He hurt what is mine and that is never tolerated. And it seems he was biding his time to hurt what is yours. He was intrigued by her so…you’re welcome.

Understand, I will not just take your word for your mutual affection. I will require evidence that she is as in love with you as you claim to be with her. However, the details you have already shared check out.

Therefore, I will merely watch you instead of extend a visit.

If you are who you say you are, you are not my enemy.

But if you are lying, we will meet, and you will die, and the girl you claim to love will be free.

Be in touch with evidence at your earliest convenience.



Fuck him and his French arrogance.

The urge to look him up made me open a dark web search page and type in Q, France, vigilante.

“Sully? You’re still working?”

I twisted in the chair, stiffer than usual and suddenly feeling the fatigue of sitting in a chair and typing when my body was still shedding the effects of six weeks of unbroken sleep.

I’d need Arbi and Joe to carry me back to bed soon, seeing as I was still unable to walk.

I closed the lid of my laptop and held out my hand for Eleanor.

Skittles fluttered around her, flying to attack Pika as he met her in the sky. Eleanor rolled her eyes as the two caiques squabbled like children. Her hair was loose and sun-kissed. Bronze interspersed with rich chocolate, and soft waves from island heat made me desperate to fist the strands and sink inside her.

“I missed you,” I murmured, pulling her down for a kiss.

She bent and pressed her lips to mine.

Unlike our sweet kiss from the other day, I drove this one straight into sin. I opened wide, I punctured her lips, I kissed her all while surviving the need to keep her away from a threatening fucking Frenchman who dared care about her safety.

Her safety was my job.

If anyone else tried to hurt her, they would be shark food and then shit on the ocean floor—by my hand, no one else’s. Her protection wasn’t his duty or honour. It’s mine.

I bit her bottom lip, making her gasp and fold deeper over me.

I grew hard, as always, and the unbearable roadblock she’d put between us made me pull away before I climbed on feeble legs and tried to fuck her against the wall.

Breathing hard, she stumbled a little as I let her go.

I smirked. “Still think you can last until our wedding night?”

“Truthfully?” She blew hair out of her eyes. “I don’t stand a chance, not if your kiss can almost make me come.”