Page 44 of Always You

“Everyone seems in bright spirits this morning,” she said as a greeting.

Skylar jumped down from the marble-covered island and flew towards Star. “Mummy!” she yelled, throwing her arms around Star. “Aunty Mary is making me pancakes, but she’d told Uncle Lucas he’s not allowed any, as he’s on a strict diet.” Then, conspiratorially, she whispered loudly, “But he says he’s going to share mine.”

Mary rolled her eyes and Lucas burst out laughing again before huffing, “I’m being ganged up on!”

Star sat next to her daughter, noticing she was not in her pyjamas but already dressed for the day. “Wow, you are up and dressed early this morning,” Star said.

“Yes, Aunty Mary helped me,” Skylar said between mouthfuls. “She said I could play with the puppies again, but only if I got washed and dressed. She didn’t want me putting dog fur in my bed tonight,” Skylar giggled.

Star was shocked. She’d expected they’d be heading home today. Just then, Damian came into the kitchen, sliding his hand around her waist from behind and kissing her ear. Star jumped at his open show of affection in front of his mum and dad. Skylar grinned at him and Lucas looked smug. Mary winked and led Skylar towards the boot-room, where the puppies were currently residing in a pen with Rosy.

“Mum’s spoiling us this morning,” Damian said, snagging a pancake from the pile Skylar had left. Turning to face him, Star was shocked when he then dropped a kiss on her lips.

Lucas coughed. “Glad to see you two have made up …”

Star felt herself blush. What was Damian playing at? Was he declaring them an item? She had spent the night in Damian’s room. His parents had actually given her a room next to Skylar’s, but Damian had threatened to abduct her if she hadn’t gone with him willingly. Star had intended on heading back to her own room later, but had fallen asleep and hadn’t woken until her alarm had gone off.

“When you two love birds are ready, we can discuss last night in my office,” Lucas said, winking at them both, just as Mary returned to the room.

“No,” Mary said firmly.

“What do you mean, No?” Lucas looked at his wife in surprise.

“What I said, No! There will be no meeting today, or tomorrow. It is the weekend, and we are having family time,” she said, hands on her hips.

Star sat back awkwardly; she’d never heard Mary contradict Lucas before.

“Don’t be silly – it’s only talking,” Lucas said, frowning.

“No, it’s not just talking. It’s work. You’ve just had a heart attack and major surgery. Nothing was said last night that cannot wait until Monday morning when the office opens.”

“You are being silly Mary,” Lucas said, his tone taking on a firmness that Star had often heard him use in the office.

“No, Lucas, I am not being silly. You nearly died because work has been all you care about,” Mary said, her voice cracking.

Star watched as Lucas got down from his stool and approached Mary.

Mary held up her hand as if to stop him, but Lucas ignored her and pulled her into his arms.

“I’m not prepared to lose you because you are a stubborn old goat!” Mary mumbled into his chest.

Damian looked shocked, as if it were the first time he had seen his mum openly emotional about Lucas’s heart attack. Star gripped his hand and squeezed.

Mary pulled back and looked up at her husband, a new firmness in her voice. “I don’t want these two young people to take a leaf out of your book. It’s their weekend. They need to be able to enjoy themselves, not be talking to you about work! There will be plenty of time for that on Monday. They should be taking Skylar out, having fun. You may not care if you kill yourself, but there are other people who do!”

Star looked at Damian awkwardly. His mum had just suggested he spend the whole weekend with her and Skylar. They had not even talked about what they were doing. Star didn’t want Damian to feel obliged to spend his free time with her and her daughter.

As if sensing her unease, Damian wrapped his arm round her waist again and whispered in her ear, “I can almost hear your brain whirling. I want nothing more than to spend the weekend with you both. I was going to suggest it after breakfast – Mum just beat me to it.”

Star spun around in Damian’s arms to face him. “You don’t have to,” she said. “I’d understand if you have something else planned.”

“Do you?” Damian asked.

“Do I what?” Star said confused.

“Have other plans?”

“Of course not, I was going to take Skylar bike riding in the park, that’s all.”